Ok... I see some confusion here, hehe...
This is what I think is the case, and what the original poster believes as well...
1 Kill = 1 Kill
1 Kill = 2 Points
If you look at your score at the end of a round, it may be something like this...
Overall Score: 51
Teamwork: 25
Kills: 13
Kills (both vehicle and infantry) count as two points (probably because Kill assists count as 1 point, under teamwork).
So I think what the original poster was proposing was something more like this...
Kill Assist: 1 point (as is)
Kill from Vehicle: 2 points (as is)
Kill from Foot: 3 points (an "extra point")
It does make things more complex though... so I'm guessing kills from mounted MGs or TOWs are still 2pts? Or would a TOW be the same as on foot, because it's basically the same as the noob toob, except you HAVE to fire again from the same spot, or not fire at all... and you might get a HUMVEE with 1 hit.
If we're looking to rack points... I think the tripple-kill-points (that someone mentioned for knife and paddles) ought to go to a sniper with an M95, if hitting a pilot or chopper gunner... I hit that *once*, hehe... kept trying and trying. I hit the pilot (top/rear seat in an attack chopper), and it was real funny watching the chopper go out of control and start circling for a bit until the Gunner realized what was happening and hit F1.