ok, i have no idea what the hell this TJ max thing is or why it says 105c but i looked around some and apparently it says around there for everyone so i think thats ok...
Anyway, is a screenshot of the temps now refitted. as i said, i think that the CPU temp is just a misread. Because if it was at that high im sure it would be melted onto my mobo.
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k195/ … asdasd.jpgalso i took some temp readings in my Bios and its putting out 12c-15c on the processor.
Update: lol ok now uguru says my temp is 1c. So, i think we can call that one... Im thinking when the AS5 sets in it does cooling so the 1c drops to negetives and the PC returns an oh shi- and thinks its that hot...
Also T-L. i couldn't catch the last one. The event log in windows puts out an HTTP ! error before(or after, or during) when it happens... Could be related? I turned off automatic reboots and will write it down. Im thinking maybe my mobo's ethernet card would be bad if windows it giving me that. But the damn thing wont even pop out any details on it.
was watching uguru and it went from 1.0 to 0.0 for temps, then jetted to 127c... not sure whats goin on with the temp reader or why its doing that but my processor isn't using nitrogen/magma...
Speedfan readings:
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k195/ … s/Tldr.jpg
Last edited by higezzzz (2008-06-29 00:00:32)