To be honest I much prefer the miniguns on the Blackhawk (dubbed MulticulturaHawk by my clan) post 1.03. They are much more balanced, but it is still possible to bust shit up with them - you just need to aim. Seriously, they still shred APCs and infantry - a bunch of us were playing Songua the other day and we just dominated everything with 4 of us in the BH.
What I'd like from BF3 are a higher quality of maps to be honest. More open style maps, in the vain of Daqing, Songua, Fushe, Mashtuur and Zatar, and less maps where you are bottlenecked towards a single point, like Karkand, Wake or Dalian. Also, a better transition between the urban style of environment (ie around the flags) and the open style of environment (ie the space between the flags) - the best map in this respect is probably Daqing, and the worst offender is probably Zatar (there is next to nothing between the flags except open land). From an aesthetic poinnt of view a few differing building models would be nice.
Further to that, some kind of vehicle system that doesn't just entail everyone standing around on a chopper pad waiting for it to spawn - maybe going to some office building or computer terminal in game and putting in a request to use the vehicle, and it choosing a candidate from all who applied, and the chopper is locked to everyone else for say a minute or something. This could also be combined with some kind of training system a la Americas Army to help prioritise who gets the vehicle - obviously this would only apply to vehicles in high demand, such as jets choppers and tanks.
There are two hotly debated topics in terms of classes - the omission of any anti air class, and whether there should be a pilot class included or not. With regard to hand held AA, I'd like to see some kind of shoulder launchable rocket (perhaps as a variation of the anti Tank Kit). Of course this would have to have a shorter range than the AA emplacements - you couldn't really use to to shoot jets down effectively, but it would be good to make choppers get lost. As for a choosable pilot class, I don't see the point really. However, perhaps in leiu of this if you were to enter an attack helicopter or a jet your class would automatically change to pliot, and stay the same when/if you bailed. So you couldn't choose the pilot class, but you would instnatly become it once you enterred a jet or attack helicopter, and if you bailed it would stay the same until you died or happened across another kit. This pilot class would be composed of an SMG, a pistol, and maybe flares or smoke nades?