Geez, what a bitch fest.

"I paid $50 bucks for this game..."

So freakin what? That entitles you to precisely jack shit. No one owes you any favours, so don't expect anyone to give a hoot what you want out of BF2. I play my own game, and I have fun. Sometimes I play a lone wolf, sometimes I'm all about the squad and the team. But I'm flexible enough to take my opportunities when they arise ... if there's a chopper available, I might jump in it and have a fly. But I'm mature enough to know that when we want to win, having an experienced and coordinated pair in the cockpit is going to help immensely. I've never hesitated to vacate a seat when a pilot asks politely for his clan mate to have my seat. No worries, I can have fun doing something else.

"I hate noobs who want to fly..."

Oh, ok, if you're one of those intellectually handicapped wankers who think that if someone doesn't have the same clan tag as you, they're AUTOMATICALLY noobs, then you can go fuck yourself. How do you know he 'can't use the TV missiles'? You don't. Say it with me, "I AM NOT A PSYCHIC".  If you're waiting for a clan mate to jump in, and don't want anyone else, take off and wait for the mate to arrive, then land and pick him up. Or, as I have experienced a few times, ask the gunner to get out, politely. Spamming "bail out" isn't going to cut it.

"We were all noobs once..."

Well, true, but telling them to practice on singleplayer is completely pointless advice. People who suggest single player as a practice option, I think, are either recent recipients of frontal lobotomies, or just don't play it at all. It's useless; trying to learn from the computer players is like watch a bunch of morons try to fuck a doorknob. However, I think people on ranked servers are entitled to expect a modicum of expertise from their teammates. That being said, I think playing on unranked servers can actually be a lot more fun, as well as being the ideal place to practice, because players are more relaxed and are less interested in point whoring.

So, everyone chill. Or not, I really don't give a crap. It's only a freakin game, you know.
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
I'm not implying that everyone who wants to learn how to fly in combat needs to play single player or on an empty server.  The only people that need to practice in private are the ones who cant even take off or land a jet or heli without blowing everyone up.  If you hop in a heli and crash into a building 20 feet away from the landing pad, GIVE UP.

Dont invite someone to 'hop in" and then crash instantly, or just fly around aimlessly.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a map with nothing but attack helis and nothing else. No CP's to capture, no infantry or tanks to shoot at, no planes to get owned by...NOTHING BUT ATTACK CHOPPERS. Seriously like 64 helis on a 64 player server that way everyone can have their OWN FUCKING CHOPPER. (Stop and think of how many TK's there still would be because they(n00bs) all spawned at the same spot and couldn't walk like 15 meters (INSERT LAUGH)). I think the map should be called "Look at "MY" 1337 Chopper and Skills."

Maybe there would even be a feature added to give pilots team points if they flew with a gunner instead of being the whinning little pussy ass bitches that say "Get the FUCK out of MY chopper you n00b or I will kill you with my uber 1337 kick ass skillz that killz."

Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
This is an easy fix-

find good servers and add them to your 'favorites' list.  If you get in a server full of duchebags, move on to another server.

BINGO! Ladies and Germs! Knick-nack Paddy-WACK-giva-dogga-BONE!!

                                                                            -terminating thread.................end transmission.
+0|7052|T.O. Canada
The bottom line is that if you don't want to share the chopper, you big fuckin baby, then go play in your clan servers or on a private server where you can chopper whore all you want!
Dropped on request
Did a search and this post was a good one. Pre-patch if a nub gunner got in with me I'd say w/e. I can still kill everything my self and his gunning isn't esential to my surviving. Maybe he'll at least kill infantry. Post patch if I see low rankers going for it, it is hard to pull back on the tk and a lot of times I do it. You need a good gunner to stay alive these days.

So in conclusion I agree with the author but only when referring to post patch. GET OUT OF THE CHOPPER NOOBS CUZ U R NOW GETTING US KILLED!
I still say: "It ain't your fucking chopper so SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!"

If it bothers you, stop playing on public servers and find a clan!  Then you and your mates can slap whatever rules on your server like "always surrender your vehicle to clan-members" and sit there thumbing each other because no-one wants to play on your dumb-ass server!

Rant over.

Last edited by Herbmaster007 (2006-03-03 07:01:56)

+69|6959|Nova Scotia

Flasheart88 wrote:

Geez, what a bitch fest.

"I paid $50 bucks for this game..."

So freakin what? That entitles you to precisely jack shit. No one owes you any favours, so don't expect anyone to give a hoot what you want out of BF2. I play my own game, and I have fun. Sometimes I play a lone wolf, sometimes I'm all about the squad and the team. But I'm flexible enough to take my opportunities when they arise ... if there's a chopper available, I might jump in it and have a fly. But I'm mature enough to know that when we want to win, having an experienced and coordinated pair in the cockpit is going to help immensely. I've never hesitated to vacate a seat when a pilot asks politely for his clan mate to have my seat. No worries, I can have fun doing something else.

"I hate noobs who want to fly..."

Oh, ok, if you're one of those intellectually handicapped wankers who think that if someone doesn't have the same clan tag as you, they're AUTOMATICALLY noobs, then you can go fuck yourself. How do you know he 'can't use the TV missiles'? You don't. Say it with me, "I AM NOT A PSYCHIC".  If you're waiting for a clan mate to jump in, and don't want anyone else, take off and wait for the mate to arrive, then land and pick him up. Or, as I have experienced a few times, ask the gunner to get out, politely. Spamming "bail out" isn't going to cut it.

"We were all noobs once..."

Well, true, but telling them to practice on singleplayer is completely pointless advice. People who suggest single player as a practice option, I think, are either recent recipients of frontal lobotomies, or just don't play it at all. It's useless; trying to learn from the computer players is like watch a bunch of morons try to fuck a doorknob. However, I think people on ranked servers are entitled to expect a modicum of expertise from their teammates. That being said, I think playing on unranked servers can actually be a lot more fun, as well as being the ideal place to practice, because players are more relaxed and are less interested in point whoring.

So, everyone chill. Or not, I really don't give a crap. It's only a freakin game, you know.
This one's right.
+105|6945|Lexington, KY
If you did not want him to be your gunner then get out of the heli. 

PS: One person said that it is the Commander's chopter, I protest and say that it is one of the following.

The Owner of the Server, since it is their hardware and without it the game would not be there.
The ISP see above.
The Person/Clan paying to host the server.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

What the fuck is the point of digging such an old thread up?
+12|7066|Perth, Western Australia
Thank God there aren't selfish sonsabitches like you on Australian servers. Fucking get your own server you useless turd, it is NOT your heli, you have NO right to it, if someone other than your clan fuckbuddy gets in it, ACCEPT IT AND GET OUT OF THE GAME OR JUST PLAY.

polarbearz wrote:

What the fuck is the point of digging such an old thread up?
The beauty of the search function

The flaming that never dies, lol
Ah i know those clan bitches like u are. They think they are soooo good and nobody else is better than them, but it's not true, actually they suck ... BF2 is a game! I mean who the hell takes it that serious - spoilsport ... oh no my K/D is getting worse because somebody else is my gunner -.-  I hate u damn clan a**holes!!!

Last time I got banned because I didn't bail out ... such fu**ing a**holes

Oh and a friend of mine is a noob and I still let him get in "my" gunner seat ... because we wanted to have fun, not to collect points, rape the hell out of the enemy -.-

And if u get shot down by the enemy chopper/stinger/whatever, it's your fucking fault because you are the pilot and u should be able to shoot them down .... that's what I do ... my friend takes care of the guys on the ground and I kill the guys in the air and it works properly ... even if we don't kill the igla, u could still escape, I guess u can't so don't tell anybody else that he's a noob, because you are one too!!! sucker!

Last edited by Hell-Bender89 (2006-03-03 08:01:38)


the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.

dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo
TK him before the chopper spawns.
Mod Incarnate
lol, I thought this thread was long dead. Oh well.
+23|6944|Chicago, IL

Rygar wrote:

Flasheart88 wrote:

Geez, what a bitch fest.

"I paid $50 bucks for this game..."

So freakin what? That entitles you to precisely jack shit. No one owes you any favours, so don't expect anyone to give a hoot what you want out of BF2. I play my own game, and I have fun. Sometimes I play a lone wolf, sometimes I'm all about the squad and the team. But I'm flexible enough to take my opportunities when they arise ... if there's a chopper available, I might jump in it and have a fly. But I'm mature enough to know that when we want to win, having an experienced and coordinated pair in the cockpit is going to help immensely. I've never hesitated to vacate a seat when a pilot asks politely for his clan mate to have my seat. No worries, I can have fun doing something else.

"I hate noobs who want to fly..."

Oh, ok, if you're one of those intellectually handicapped wankers who think that if someone doesn't have the same clan tag as you, they're AUTOMATICALLY noobs, then you can go fuck yourself. How do you know he 'can't use the TV missiles'? You don't. Say it with me, "I AM NOT A PSYCHIC".  If you're waiting for a clan mate to jump in, and don't want anyone else, take off and wait for the mate to arrive, then land and pick him up. Or, as I have experienced a few times, ask the gunner to get out, politely. Spamming "bail out" isn't going to cut it.

"We were all noobs once..."

Well, true, but telling them to practice on singleplayer is completely pointless advice. People who suggest single player as a practice option, I think, are either recent recipients of frontal lobotomies, or just don't play it at all. It's useless; trying to learn from the computer players is like watch a bunch of morons try to fuck a doorknob. However, I think people on ranked servers are entitled to expect a modicum of expertise from their teammates. That being said, I think playing on unranked servers can actually be a lot more fun, as well as being the ideal place to practice, because players are more relaxed and are less interested in point whoring.

So, everyone chill. Or not, I really don't give a crap. It's only a freakin game, you know.
This one's right.
I also agree, and for those of you speaking "who the heli belongs to", need I remind you the tooth fairy isn't real either.
listen up dude ....... this is a simple one ........... you joined a public server to play with people all over the world .......... if you want to fly with your buddy join a clan and lock your server.  otherwise stop crying when you join a public server and someone jumps in your heli ............ you dont own the heli or the right to dictate who guns for you ............... if i get in the chopper and you tell me to get out  i say good luck .
+23|6944|Chicago, IL

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

As someone who spends alot of time commanding, I would rather a pair of sick chopper pilots get the chopper and not some fucking nobody who doesn't even know that clearing the chopper HUD as a gunner is necessary. As a commander, I need to WIN to get my points... having noobs using vehicles is a thorn in my side.

So yes, I agree with the poster. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HIS HELICOPTER.
fuck that, they payed the money to play the game, they have as much right to it as anyone else does. if u dont like it then u can go get fuckd. this isnt real life its a game. and everyone gets to play what they want. not what you choose.

the ONLY time taking vechiles (gunner or watever) is wrong is when u kill sumone else to get it and if they leave it to revive or to fix it.
+23|6944|Chicago, IL
Even in the military, I believe its not your chopper. Entitlement does not disinclude new players who want to play. Your rank or badge level entitles you to what everyone else gets, first come first serve. In the initial post I didn't hear him "ASK POLITELY" for the gunner to "VACATE" to allow him to fly with his friend? Thought not. Manners my friend, it is possible.
GunSlinger OIF II
fuck you, kick me out
The Microwave Man

dan500 wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.
No no no, thats where your wrong, im flying the dam thing, so i want a co-piolt who knows what there doing, so many times i been killed in a heli cos the dumb f*ck cant hit anything, i just get pissed being shot down cos my co' cant hit shit.
I just love shooting guys like you through the glass hahahahahahahahahah !
i agree in some ways.
the best person for each job....to have a better chance at winning.
but you still need to play as a team +communicate
+23|6944|Chicago, IL

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

fuck you, kick me out
To whom were you refering this educated comment?

And at what point in the game do you flip a coin to evaluate who will be better suited to operate what vehicle? 15 seconds.... spawn.

Last edited by BallisticallyYours (2006-03-03 19:15:58)

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