Geez, what a bitch fest.
"I paid $50 bucks for this game..."
So freakin what? That entitles you to precisely jack shit. No one owes you any favours, so don't expect anyone to give a hoot what you want out of BF2. I play my own game, and I have fun. Sometimes I play a lone wolf, sometimes I'm all about the squad and the team. But I'm flexible enough to take my opportunities when they arise ... if there's a chopper available, I might jump in it and have a fly. But I'm mature enough to know that when we want to win, having an experienced and coordinated pair in the cockpit is going to help immensely. I've never hesitated to vacate a seat when a pilot asks politely for his clan mate to have my seat. No worries, I can have fun doing something else.
"I hate noobs who want to fly..."
Oh, ok, if you're one of those intellectually handicapped wankers who think that if someone doesn't have the same clan tag as you, they're AUTOMATICALLY noobs, then you can go fuck yourself. How do you know he 'can't use the TV missiles'? You don't. Say it with me, "I AM NOT A PSYCHIC". If you're waiting for a clan mate to jump in, and don't want anyone else, take off and wait for the mate to arrive, then land and pick him up. Or, as I have experienced a few times, ask the gunner to get out, politely. Spamming "bail out" isn't going to cut it.
"We were all noobs once..."
Well, true, but telling them to practice on singleplayer is completely pointless advice. People who suggest single player as a practice option, I think, are either recent recipients of frontal lobotomies, or just don't play it at all. It's useless; trying to learn from the computer players is like watch a bunch of morons try to fuck a doorknob. However, I think people on ranked servers are entitled to expect a modicum of expertise from their teammates. That being said, I think playing on unranked servers can actually be a lot more fun, as well as being the ideal place to practice, because players are more relaxed and are less interested in point whoring.
So, everyone chill. Or not, I really don't give a crap. It's only a freakin game, you know.
"I paid $50 bucks for this game..."
So freakin what? That entitles you to precisely jack shit. No one owes you any favours, so don't expect anyone to give a hoot what you want out of BF2. I play my own game, and I have fun. Sometimes I play a lone wolf, sometimes I'm all about the squad and the team. But I'm flexible enough to take my opportunities when they arise ... if there's a chopper available, I might jump in it and have a fly. But I'm mature enough to know that when we want to win, having an experienced and coordinated pair in the cockpit is going to help immensely. I've never hesitated to vacate a seat when a pilot asks politely for his clan mate to have my seat. No worries, I can have fun doing something else.
"I hate noobs who want to fly..."
Oh, ok, if you're one of those intellectually handicapped wankers who think that if someone doesn't have the same clan tag as you, they're AUTOMATICALLY noobs, then you can go fuck yourself. How do you know he 'can't use the TV missiles'? You don't. Say it with me, "I AM NOT A PSYCHIC". If you're waiting for a clan mate to jump in, and don't want anyone else, take off and wait for the mate to arrive, then land and pick him up. Or, as I have experienced a few times, ask the gunner to get out, politely. Spamming "bail out" isn't going to cut it.
"We were all noobs once..."
Well, true, but telling them to practice on singleplayer is completely pointless advice. People who suggest single player as a practice option, I think, are either recent recipients of frontal lobotomies, or just don't play it at all. It's useless; trying to learn from the computer players is like watch a bunch of morons try to fuck a doorknob. However, I think people on ranked servers are entitled to expect a modicum of expertise from their teammates. That being said, I think playing on unranked servers can actually be a lot more fun, as well as being the ideal place to practice, because players are more relaxed and are less interested in point whoring.
So, everyone chill. Or not, I really don't give a crap. It's only a freakin game, you know.