What's the reason for not including this as an option in the game? I can understand not wanting to switch players during a round, but sometimes a team will win because they have 5 extra players, and when the new round starts, the server hasn't moved anybody.
Don't know
cause they want you to shift the outcome of what would have actually happened in real life.
Bah, most server dont seem to know the Cvar for auto team balance.
There is an autobalance (within 2 players, usually) in the Source engine ... it's just up to the server administrators whether or not they actually turn it on. Although from most of the games I play, the teams don't need balanced - it is usually either on or the server I am on has winning team members on both sides ... it's one of the few games that I find actually really balanced (although I haven't been playing much ... if any). fyi, the source code for an auto balance can be more detailed using this:
mp_limitteams x