
dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now

If you don't want a "n00b" to get in "your" fucking chopper, then YOU get out. God. You people who think everyone else is a noob spoil the game.

And have you EVER thought that something might be your fault? Look at that "Gunner View" thing if you haven't yet. JUST BECAUSE YOUR ROCKETS HIT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR GUNNER CAN GET A CLEAN SHOT OFF. I've been with TOO many pilots who never let me get off a TV shot or even a cannon shot, then land conveniently in the middle of fucking nowhere and spam "GET OUT" somewhere around 500 times.

I assume TKing for a chopper is OK too, hm?


monster post now

i have just racked up 500 hours of game time and in this time i have noticed this, i have learned how to fly jets from in the bomber's seat, and the weapopns system is not hard to figer out and after  maybe 10 hourse i got good in the co-pilots seat getting regular 25+ kills a round then you start fly and you get better and you have people that cannot co-pilot for shit  (you have to deal with getting the bronze) then you have a random dude jump in not in a clan and like only a sgt, and you both rape the fuck out of the map.

i am not in a clan and have not really played a first person shooter before only played MMORPG it is the one thing that has got me hucked on bf2 is that if there is someone better that you i kniw this and if i beat you to i am going to stay there for 1 round why should you assume that someone else other than YOUR clanner is shit. Fuck all  you are doing is base raping, when you are on Karkand do you make sure YOUR clanner is on your turret of YOUR tank, it is people like you that TK for the vechiles now that is not part of the game fuckers that do that should go to unranked servers
+99|6950|New York
Buy your own server.
Understand the IDEA OF "" PUBLIC SERVER'S"" If you want "YOUR" chopper get your clan or yourself to run a server n00b
all i have to say is. have a cry. poor baby didin't get his heli there there.
Aspiring Objectivist
it's my helo...
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I completely agree...... and the same can be said for the pilot.
Im a good Gunner, but nothing pisses me off more than when the pilot doesnt even know how to fly. Instead of lining me up for a TV shot, he dives nose first, sprays all his missiles, kills one person and promptly crashes into the ground.

Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-03-03 22:36:56)

Yeah, I definitely hear ya. Now, obviously, it shouldn't be only reserved for your clanmate, but for anybody that can actually USE that gunner seat. Just today actually, I was flying, and I would figure that it speaks for itself when I raise the nose towards and enemy chopper that was 100+ meters away from us with his back to us. It doesn't mean that "Hey, take a good look at that enemy chopper, wonder if it's gonna see us." No, dumbass, it means "Use your f*cking TV missile and take him out, while he's f*cking stay still, asshole"  What does he do? He starts using his machine gun on him. I was like "WTF ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?" I was sooo aggravated at that, that I just wanted to bail out and let him crash to his death.

So not everybody can gun i couldnt b4 now im v good at pilot and gunning but if your gunner starts shooting mg instead of tv the helo isnt nescessarily gonna turn around so just get close and if your any good at piloting u can take out a helo with rockets and even if he does turn around if you cant avoid a tv missile maybe u should get out of pilot seat
Glad to see people support me

People who dont.. Well, your silly
Dropped on request
I think it's funny how the posters calling you an asshole are the ones who suck at the chopper. I'd like to see an expert pilot/gunner still call you an ass for not wanting a shitty gunner. And expert is not being able to fly without crashing FYI.

Also, too many people here are communists and don't realize it. If you are not the best gunner on the team why are you getting the job above somebody better than you? Where I come from, America, if you are best for the job you get the job.

JerPistol wrote:

If you cant avoid a tv missile maybe u should get out of pilot seat
You havent flown against a decent pilot/gunner combo have you, if they send a TV at you then you are dead, there is no escape.  But of course you would have your beginner gunner in with you spraying away with his MG (and usually not even hitting with that ), which would obviously take them down before the TV hit.

This is a TEAM game, and your team doesnt want their main support vehicle being shot down every time because the gunner cant change to TV mode. 

So get the fuck out of my chopper................
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
Its nobodys chopper if you have a shit gunner so what?ive got an idea why dont you talk to him?maybe even give him a few hints like how to switch to tv mode,instead of just repeating bail out the driving to out of bounds.We were all new at one point i learnt to gun/fly on a non ranked server ,but when your very new to a game you might not know the differance between ranked and unranked.Alls im saying is why dont you help people out instead of being a faggot and going out of bounds so you and your clan mate can suck each others cocks in the heli.Oh and if someone gets in it before you and is piloting dont teamkill with m95 thats just sad.
It's the fucking team's chopper.  So if you can't gun or fly, then DONT.  GET THE FUCK OUT.  I'm with you all the way man.  After all of the tards that have been in my gunners seat, i would much rather be my own gunner and take out vehicles on the ground with my missiles and tv other choppers myself.  I'm so sick of shitty gunners that fire the machinge gun early and don't tv that i really can't stand flying with anyone except my clan mates anymore.  I know there are some really good gunners out there but in my experience they are few and far between.
chopper aint yours ... simple as that ....

jord wrote:

Its nobodys chopper if you have a shit gunner so what?ive got an idea why dont you talk to him?maybe even give him a few hints like how to switch to tv mode,instead of just repeating bail out the driving to out of bounds.
When you have spent as much time as me in the chopper, and told endless amounts of people how to gun without them taking heed of anything you say, then I may listen to your opinion on this subject.

Until then STFU.

Get the fuck out of my chopper............
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
j00 r t00 n00b t0 st@y in my planet n00b. Get out of planet dont wsate oxygen that's for me!!!!!!!11!1!

NOT YOURS. THEY WILL NTO GET BETTER IF NOT GIVEN A CHANCE. Just fly like you dont have a gunner and u'll survive and theyll learn.

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2006-03-04 20:17:02)

+1|7062|Savannah - GA
it only makes since to have the gunner and pilot in the same squad.  if they won't get out, tell your buddy to wait and then fly to the edge of the map and put just them out of bounds.
WoW People


Lets get the other kids so they can see this too!

Just for the record. It not your chopper. It WAS ZEDS Chopper. But Zed is now DEAD and thus the chopper is owned by the guy in the "OTHER" chopper who just shot you fools standing around arguing about who gets to fly.

I dont care who flies and who shoots as long as they know what they are doing. Learn to fly against bots PEOPLE!!!
I DISLIKE it when there are two people "OBVIOUSLY" waiting for an air vehicle and more people run over there to try to hog.
Try using a rifle, or whaddabout the PISTOL!

I will not bring up the knife cos some of you guys probably think its only for removing from a teamates back.
i definitely believe in the "wait your turn, bitch" theory. If I am standing on the Essex waiting for an f35 for 4 or 5 minutes, then some smacktard spawns next to it and takes off, only to crash into the ground, deserves to be TK'd every time he spawns. If I am there waiting first, you can wait your for you own goddamn turn... /whew/
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

do me a favore
call the police
address: in the carrier off wake island
tell them to look on the flight deck
im soo sorry <3

Please. It's not "your chopper". And besides, if everyone had your attitude, these "noobs" would never get real-world practice, and would continue being "noobs", and continue causing you grief in your life that revolves around this game. You sucked at chopper piloting at some point.

dan500 wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.
No no no, thats where your wrong, im flying the dam thing, so i want a co-piolt who knows what there doing, so many times i been killed in a heli cos the dumb f*ck cant hit anything, i just get pissed being shot down cos my co' cant hit shit.
your fucking name is not on the helo u fucking retard and its EA's/DICES heli so stfu
+5|6946|Columbia, SC
Please do the team a favor and get outta his chopper.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

hutchy52 wrote:

jord wrote:

Its nobodys chopper if you have a shit gunner so what?ive got an idea why dont you talk to him?maybe even give him a few hints like how to switch to tv mode,instead of just repeating bail out the driving to out of bounds.
When you have spent as much time as me in the chopper, and told endless amounts of people how to gun without them taking heed of anything you say, then I may listen to your opinion on this subject.

Until then STFU.

Get the fuck out of my chopper............
Erm no i dont think il stfu i dont plan on wasting 1100 hours of my life thanks.
make ur heli at a angle and crash into mountain side while u bail out

jord wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

jord wrote:

Its nobodys chopper if you have a shit gunner so what?ive got an idea why dont you talk to him?maybe even give him a few hints like how to switch to tv mode,instead of just repeating bail out the driving to out of bounds.
When you have spent as much time as me in the chopper, and told endless amounts of people how to gun without them taking heed of anything you say, then I may listen to your opinion on this subject.

Until then STFU.

Get the fuck out of my chopper............
Erm no i dont think il stfu i dont plan on wasting 1100 hours of my life thanks.
Why, cause your obviously making such a big difference to the world with your life.  Not.
I can spend my free time doing whatever I like, and I don't give a fuck what you do with yours.

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