According to Intel’s current plans, the company will launch its first Nehalem clocked at 3.2GHz in Q4 2008. This CPU should be the fastest one throughout Q1 2009 and it has a chance to be replaced with a faster one in Q2 2009.

Intel claims that it can bring faster Nehalem, Bloomfield iteration in Q2 2009 but it will do it only if necessary.

Bloomfield 3.2GHz will stay in extreme performance market and AMD has to launch some fearsomely fast Deneb parts to threaten the 3.2GHz Bloomfield. Intel knows it can go over 3.2GHz at that time but at this time we don’t know how far this CPU will overclock or what is the final clock destination of this quad-core / eight threads core.

The key point over 3.2GHz speed is possible as of Q2 2009. … ;Itemid=35