Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

RiCKRoLLd wrote:

Pubs that think they're good make me laugh.

You thinking you're so much better than everyone else.

I KNOW you don't care. I don't care either.

So yesterday, I was banned from the BS clan's ranked server. No bunnyhopping, no dolphin diving, no disrespecting the admins.

Four rounds in a row, I dominated the server playing as assault, medic, or support, with over 150 points each round, and 4 gold stars in a row. At some point, someone must have noticed that from the beginning of the fight, I would have the highest score, and it would stay this way.

At some point, on a karkand map, at the last MEC control point, someone was about to round the corner of the building, but I jumped over the building, went prone, and destroyed two people with spray fire. At that point, someone accused me of dolphin diving, and the admin kicked me for one minute. I went back in, claiming I didn't dive, but whatever, and ended up winning with 170 points and a gold star anyways.

Next round, and the following 3, gold stars.

Last round, I was accused of disrespecting the admin, which I had done 3 ROUNDS AGO, and I, along with a random other player, was banned from the server. Lol...

Fuck you Bullshit, fuck you...

B3ing u P4in
Jet Whore:D
K/D: 45
B3ing u P4in
How does that glitch work?
+5|6115|The Netherlands
UK ESSEX RIFLES (an inf only server)

One of the rules are not to fight as a commander. Apparently this includes self defense with a pistol when people sneak up on you in the corner of the map. (Mashtuur City) Got kicked, rejoined after the minute was over and got banned after complaining. Another ban on my stats..
Looking for my Scooper

Zoeff wrote:

UK ESSEX RIFLES (an inf only server)

One of the rules are not to fight as a commander. Apparently this includes self defense with a pistol when people sneak up on you in the corner of the map. (Mashtuur City) Got kicked, rejoined after the minute was over and got banned after complaining. Another ban on my stats..
Good thing bans don't get tracked eh?
I know about that rule, it's on many servers and it's one of the most stupid auto kicks.
I've had this happen to me too on Wake, I was commanding in one of those towers. On my scan I see someone sneaking towards the flag, there's noone of my team near him, so I decided I would go kill him myself. I knife him in the back and get back to commanding, few seconds into my command screen I get kicked...
+5|6115|The Netherlands
No ban stats? *Checks* Odd, I thought there were. meh.

Actually it wasn't an autokick, I saw one of the admins type in the !k and !b commands.

Some more background info, they claim they were warning me. I'm sure they were but when spotting people on a 32 player server in a command screen those messages fade away very fast. I'm commanding, not reading the times. My team was also about to win as well, the real reason was probably some admin getting annoyed at losing the game. Lovely.

Last edited by Zoeff (2008-08-12 13:39:51)

=MHS= Major Hit Squad Server - SAS Regiment 24/7

joined the server while it was on dragon, spawned at refinery and waited in one of the j-10 hangars for one to spawn. some asshat three star ran me over with a jeep and steals the j-10, i then respawn jump in the attack chopper and then i get banned with the message "Fuck You".

First time ive went on their server.

fucking faggots

jmsprovan wrote:

=MHS= Major Hit Squad Server - SAS Regiment 24/7

joined the server while it was on dragon, spawned at refinery and waited in one of the j-10 hangars for one to spawn. some asshat three star ran me over with a jeep and steals the j-10, i then respawn jump in the attack chopper and then i get banned with the message "Fuck You".

First time ive went on their server.

fucking faggots
same for me too except i got the message hahaha i owned you. lol?



Puzzles me how these tossers have run servers for years but never learnt a thing about the game, clearly they've been playing, some of these clans posses high ranked (ha ha.) members but i'm at loss to figure out what the fuck they was doing for all those points. I can only guess it was stat padding, team stacking and flag capping, not an ounce of skill amoungst any of the above clans. Theres no absolute possible way of winning on these servers tho; open your mouth when you disagree with how they treat fellow BF2 players !BAN! outplay, outmanouvre, outskill clan members/admins !BAN! point out when they do stupid things like missing point blank with a GL while you pistol their head !BAN! join their server when they've stacked the teams against randoms and you start to win !BAN!


BF2 has suffered due to wanky clans like these.
Best ___ in Aus
Damn makes me glad here in Australia we have trusty old Gamearena and Internode, none of these bs clans

B3ing u P4in wrote:

How does that glitch work?
when you landed there..PRess F2 then when you are in gunners seat press C and will let you see through. Also works on top of the carrier near the other asset.
+55|6084|A W S M F O X

thraSK wrote:

Damn makes me glad here in Australia we have trusty old Gamearena and Internode, none of these bs clans
Ace sometimes offers the lulz XD
say that 2 my face fucker not online

A W S M F O X R O X wrote:

thraSK wrote:

Damn makes me glad here in Australia we have trusty old Gamearena and Internode, none of these bs clans
Ace sometimes offers the lulz XD

more 6E's than an ARK stack
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
My server joining streak of tonight was the most messed I've seen in a while.
Nothing heavy allowed, or of vague strength much higher than a .50

Played for a short while, and was satisfied with some of the easiest targets in the world. Level 1 bots were more challenging.

After I left that one, I join Road Rage, and get kicked for a Comfail error. Oddly enough, it only happens on certain servers. Next server I join is a Euro server, which happened to be a Time getting server. So about 16 people were sitting on the map, idling in various vehicles. I go about my business and cap 3 flags, TV a tank, then get warned. I return to base and decide to grab a jet, practice some bombing. Bored of that, I decided to make a few low altitude runs above MR. Tank (practically touching the vehicle)  and various other idlers. After I do this he goes:

Few moments later:

Good times tonight
+5|6115|The Netherlands
24/7 Karkand INF only NO FF by =DmgC=

Manually banned (!b command) for being idle while being commander. I didn't see 1 guy going to a flag on the far side of the map away from the action.

The admin was quite moody and bad mouthed quite a few time.

Zoeff wrote:

24/7 Karkand INF only NO FF by =DmgC=

Manually banned (!b command) for being idle while being commander. I didn't see 1 guy going to a flag on the far side of the map away from the action.

The admin was quite moody and bad mouthed quite a few time.
^ I was in that clan for a while, you have been banned by GTP2006.
they banned me from there server because i said look @ that guy on X-fire he has over 1,000,000 points in that server, everybody joins and got reseted, result? they blamed me.
+9|6290|UK - England
SplinterStrike... we've got nearly exactly the same points lol...

There are a few which come on my clan's server.

two of which are n0x.RebOrn and (OWA) macpaddy. They have the usual, aimbot, commander etc. but they also have a BF2CC hack, we can't see them on our list in BF2CC but we can see them on the scoreboard... absolutely sucks...

DeathIsYou wrote:

SplinterStrike... we've got nearly exactly the same points lol...

There are a few which come on my clan's server.

two of which are n0x.RebOrn and (OWA) macpaddy. They have the usual, aimbot, commander etc. but they also have a BF2CC hack, we can't see them on our list in BF2CC but we can see them on the scoreboard... absolutely sucks...
What server is that?
+5|6115|The Netherlands
=E= 24/7 Karkand Boobies blabla...

2 aimbotters on each team both on top of scoreboard. The botter on the enemy team from my pov kept killing me from beyond the fog from a high building near Suburb using the L85.

In this case, there WERE admins around. But nooo.... according to them PB is flawless and they were streaming so if they were cheating they WOULD be caught. Refused to ban them.

Ugh, admins are either trigger happy or carebears.

/me is raging.
tell you what we should be able to shut down server with admin whos I.Q is lower than their ping!!!!!!!!!!

server rules were
no base rape on uncap
no tk for jet
no ramming

suits me fine
then an admin starts raping the carrier with j 10 so i politely pointed out this was not allowed


" you fkn r3tard read your own server rules a55hole"
as i printed on screen

" fk u a hole "
he replies

so i got a team mate to sit in the f35 as bait while i hovered in the "big bird"
sure enough here he comes
so i pop out from behind the ship and he presto he hits me head on.

i get kicked for ramming

sign back in and my mate is now airborne in the chopper
he picks me up and we head in land and start to slaughter anything that moves.
when we arrive at the airbase a j10 is taking off so i proceed to jam a tv up his pipe.

what happened next?????
answers on a postcard??????

i get kicked for uncap raping !!!!

do i let it lie nope
sign in dont spawn and type "if their are any admin on here over 5 years old please make your self known or are you to busy fking the younger admins, you have rules but they dont apply to you lot so when god dies i will let him know you guys are ready to rule the world"

guess what
I GOT KICKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so much for fair play eh?
Just to bitch:

(Server: {DAM} Warlord I/O)

I was playing a Warlord server, the rules were "No Uncap Raping".  Nobody was in the uncap except the commander, and I was Spec Ops, and proceeded to take out assets, wait for supply drop, take them out again.  I killed the commander a few times in the process, and he starts bitching like a baby to the admin, who then threatens to kick/ban me for "attacking an uncap". 

I don't know who these mother fuckers think they are to tell me how to play.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
This 88 are why I stick to about 3 or 4 servers, Kark only 32 size.

TopHat01 wrote:

I don't know who these mother fuckers think they are to tell me how to play.

tuckergustav wrote:

TopHat01 wrote:

I don't know who these mother fuckers think they are to tell me how to play.
I just hate servers with rules like "No claymores on flags!" or "no C4 on flags".  Claymores, C4, etc. are all valid weapons, and everyone is entitled to use their weapon in any way that he/she see fits.  Nobody should tell you where you can use your weapon, or when you can use your weapon. 

It's becoming more and more apparent that rules are made up on a whim, and are there to give a standard player every disadvantage, and the admins an advantage.

Last edited by TopHat01 (2008-08-22 11:08:13)

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