Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I think it's funny how the posters calling you an asshole are the ones who suck at the chopper. I'd like to see an expert pilot/gunner still call you an ass for not wanting a shitty gunner. And expert is not being able to fly without crashing FYI.

Also, too many people here are communists and don't realize it. If you are not the best gunner on the team why are you getting the job above somebody better than you? Where I come from, America, if you are best for the job you get the job.
Last sentenceis a crock of shit.

It is not what you know, its who you know. GWB could never be considered the best for the job.

Do you want some ice for that burn?

Last edited by Stubbee (2006-03-05 08:17:14)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
I would shoot all of you down. That takes care of that discussion.

I'd rather be dead than red! lol
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
Agree with author . TK this newbs if they doesnt understand "bail out pls"

dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now
I can only imagine how many times its already been said, but its little cock suckers like you dan500 that ruin this game. I think you and all douche bags like you should have your own server dedicated to assholes just like you so all of you can go in there and have one of your TK orgies. If you or your boyfriend aka:gunner don't get to the chopper first, tough, make yourself useful and cap a flag.

So do us all a favor and stop playing BF2 period.

Last edited by Giant_Squid500 (2006-03-05 09:34:23)


dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now
I hear u man
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
Newbs that cannot use TV guided often are the reason of heli's death . Is it so hard to practice 1 hour in single ? You all don't understand how stupid it looks when u turn your nose to enemy choper and the gunner needs only 3-4 double clicks to get 2 frags and serve your(his) choper . And this idiot starts using a 20mm gun . I don't need such idiot in the choper , it's more useful to fly alone .
+1|7042|Eindhoven, Netherlands
get your self a server, lock it down give pass to ppl who in your eyes are the only ones who should be gunner.

Anyone seen the bf2 movie "Mine"?
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

Giant_Squid500 wrote:

I can only imagine how many times its already been said, but its little cock suckers like you dan500 that ruin this game. I think you and all douche bags like you should have your own server dedicated to assholes just like you so all of you can go in there and have one of your TK orgies. If you or your boyfriend aka:gunner don't get to the chopper first, tough, make yourself useful and cap a flag.

So do us all a favor and stop playing BF2 period.
Do you know how long ago this was posted? You wernt even signed up here fgt. Go insult someone who posted today or yesterday. And choppers now arnt even worth tking for.
dan500 should have his account wiped for moaning about a pathetic thing like this! get a life and dont be a whore!!
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

hutchy52 wrote:

jord wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

When you have spent as much time as me in the chopper, and told endless amounts of people how to gun without them taking heed of anything you say, then I may listen to your opinion on this subject.

Until then STFU.

Get the fuck out of my chopper............
Erm no i dont think il stfu i dont plan on wasting 1100 hours of my life thanks.
Why, cause your obviously making such a big difference to the world with your life.  Not.
I can spend my free time doing whatever I like, and I don't give a fuck what you do with yours.
Im sure your making i really big differance to the world.You cant really insult someone buy saying they don't change the world because the majority don't.
You Callin' Me A Fuck Head?!

Last edited by Daysniper (2006-03-05 12:32:58)

So you were an ace chopper pilot from the get go and your mate an ace gunner? Give me a break ...... I bet you hopped on your first bicycle at the age of 3 and peddled your ass to win the Tour DE France as well!? "CRACKER" ... Please!

Um ... maybe  ... just maybe ..... if you didn't whore the chopper and tried ground pounding .. you wouldn't have anyone but yourself to blame for F'g up your "IMPOTENT" STATS!

Looks to me like you whore just about anything that doesn't require you to pound ground .....
if it weren't for vehicles or the noob tube, you'd be playing solitaire.

It's not guys like Dan500 that ruin the game it's assholes that would TK you to get the spot, that ruin the game!

ride_the_juice wrote:

So you were an ace chopper pilot from the get go and your mate an ace gunner? Give me a break ...... I bet you hopped on your first bicycle at the age of 3 and peddled your ass to win the Tour DE France as well!? "CRACKER" ... Please!

Um ... maybe  ... just maybe ..... if you didn't whore the chopper and tried ground pounding .. you wouldn't have anyone but yourself to blame for F'g up your "IMPOTENT" STATS!

Looks to me like you whore just about anything that doesn't require you to pound ground .....
if it weren't for vehicles or the noob tube, you'd be playing solitaire.

It's not guys like Dan500 that ruin the game it's assholes that would TK you to get the spot, that ruin the game!
LMFAO!! u are so right! i think im a good u can see
ive been told to get out of the choppa by clans who come on MY server just 2 whore vehicles..
my reaction isnt nice so dont even try it with me any 1!

ride_the_juice wrote:

It's not guys like Dan500 that ruin the game it's assholes that would TK you to get the spot, that ruin the game!
Just to point out, I dont TK for the heli, if the guy wont get out, I do
a fly
+105|6957|The netherlands
i once was the noob that could not fire a tv. cause of other games i always try to do it, so i did try to gun. i did use the m-gun to shoot at people. i did not hit. luckely my bro could fly and thats how i learned gunning m-gun. gunning tv i learned myself. on accedent. the begin movie shows a tv fires, then re-steered. thats what i tried. and instandly i got better at gunning.

with empty server training, i learned flying. i never used a joystick, so before a game started i tryd flying. all the time. then one day in a empy server i came up with a thing i still use.  i pick a spot where my missiles must come. i shoot, see if i hit. all while going fullspeed to the target.

yes, evry gunner must learn. im glad to help people with it, before a game starts. then it wont effect any stats.
what brings me to this: my chopper time is very high for the kills i have i think. but its that way cause of good gunners. yes you can shoot missiles at infantry. but a few bullets do the trick.....

have you ever had a fully repaired tank in sight as piliot, and the tank driver gets out, and runs away from it before you even fire 1 missile? i have, its means your skilled, that the other needs to change underwear after you came. that says enough.

dan, you have the right to kick him out of the chopper, but only if you give the gunner a try. and if he aint shooting ask why..... i did once, and someone told me "you fly to wild, i cant shoot then", ofcourse i thought noob, but i changed flying for him and we got alot of points.

you can problebly asume how i got 176 points in a round in sharki. gunning with good pilot. yesterday i got my bro 144 points when he was gunning i flying. and it was (sounds arogant, i know) usmc was winning in the begin, they dident take any flags longer then maybe 30 secs. i told my bro: if im dead ill switch teams to gun.
so he killed me. a few min later its not going well at all, we decide i fly, he guns. then magicly we get all flags but 1. they retake a flag not longer then 1 min. my bro had 69 kills in a round gunning in a full 32slot server, if you call that low then gun for me!

killing your gunner at edge of the map is a great idear, but it wont work, normely im medic in chopper to heal people, see where people died to know where i can be needed to assist fighting.

dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now
Get a GRIP YOU GIANT CHOAD!!!!!  IT is not your heli, it is everyones , seeing that post just proves you are a giant asspirate who doesnt give a shit what is happening with his team.  Your a selfish self centered prick that almost all of us playing the game hate.   So yeah try another post like this, you will get no sympathy, you just come off looking like an asshole.
I got tk'd for a fucking F-15 last night.  I punished the SOB as I was there first.  All they had to do was ask if they could have it.  I would have been nice and said yes.  Next time someone tk's me in that server.  They will find their ass banned.  I know the admin(s) of the server.  So the next time you idiots want to tk or fly out of bounds to kill gunners.  think before you do.  That person may be admin or a friend of an admin and you find your ass banned.  I wouldn't be surprised if an admin who does that also knows someone at ea/dice and gets their stats reset.
That about practicing in single player is, excuse me for saying it, total bs. It's something experienced helipilots and aviators say to justify their greed and vent their frustration (that I understand) without ever having done it themselves. It's hard for people to see the breaking point from bad to good since there is no such thing, it comes gradually. Hence it's easy to think you have always been all that when you, you yourself probably were that noob you are shouting at this very moment not so very long ago.

Dalian plant in sp is only good for trying out crazy stunts as an advanced player or, as a newbie pilot, learning the utter rudimentary basics, like taking off and holding the chopper level.
Sure, you can practice the tv. but knowing it's a rule to use it against other helis is something you have to be told, basically. A knowledge very alive to you, but not to newcomers.
Agressive low height flying is imo something that comes of flying a lot, and then gutting up and taking the step one odd day. Unless of course, one helpful pilot that got the gunner seat pushed him in right direction, earlier than that.
It's not realistic to think that you can learn real heli flying in sp that lacks intelligent players and real challenges.

Also understand this; you can decide that a pilot is bad, and through that _make_ it so. Missing iglas while nagging and being busy making demands that would put anyone off Ie giving him no chance whatsoever to prove himself only leads to one thing.
Same with "bad" gunners. try to be constructive and make the most of it. drop a quick line in teamsay before ambushing an igla or similar when you are in doubt that they know what you are doing.
it will never be as fun or rewarding as when flying with a good experienced gunner that rarely misses enemy helis, but that's just the way it works! be the nice guy and deal with it and save the dynamic duo routine for late and small games where the chopper might be overlooked and be all yours.
anyone can get frustrated by flying with bad gunners over and over again. but it's not their fault and they are not the ones to blame. try to picture how it'd feel, thinking in all that frustration of tkers and waiting and unsuccessful runs for like half a day for one solo pilot or gunner, and then running in to you guys telling him to hop out (spamming it like 800 times) when he got it fair and square. Other people have feelings as well, ait?

And then that about gunners firing tv missiles on inf; i'm not saying this is always the case but it may be a follow up action on overheating the chain gun. better than doing nothing with the wait time.
If not for being twelve years old or unexperienced, it may be a matter of actually the pilot forcing the gunner to work with long spray and pray whisps when buzzing around and zig-zaging all over the place never halting.

sorry about the word count but I had some time to waste.

Longbow wrote:

Agree with author . TK this newbs if they doesnt understand "bail out pls"
No why dun you bail out ... ? I dun see your name written on it.  If that was the case, there will be no other chopper pilots ever ... "cos you are supposebly the ebst pilot" .. give others a chance mate ....
Dropped on request

Stubbee wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I think it's funny how the posters calling you an asshole are the ones who suck at the chopper. I'd like to see an expert pilot/gunner still call you an ass for not wanting a shitty gunner. And expert is not being able to fly without crashing FYI.

Also, too many people here are communists and don't realize it. If you are not the best gunner on the team why are you getting the job above somebody better than you? Where I come from, America, if you are best for the job you get the job.
Last sentenceis a crock of shit.

It is not what you know, its who you know. GWB could never be considered the best for the job.

Do you want some ice for that burn?
LOL, ok so sometimes people slip through the cracks.

jord wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

jord wrote:

Erm no i dont think il stfu i dont plan on wasting 1100 hours of my life thanks.
Why, cause your obviously making such a big difference to the world with your life.  Not.
I can spend my free time doing whatever I like, and I don't give a fuck what you do with yours.
Im sure your making i really big differance to the world.You cant really insult someone buy saying they don't change the world because the majority don't.
A: Learn some spelling and grammar.

B: I never implied that I was making a difference to anything, it was you that said that I was wasting my life when you are in fact doing fuck all more than I am.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

Am i at i writting a i emailing my boss explaining i on a gaming forum were i dont have to spell correctly because the chances are i will never meet any of the people here...yes.just fuck off now im getting bored of you.
I take it you were never a noob pilot Dan?

dan500 wrote:

Just to point out, I dont TK for the heli, if the guy wont get out, I do
if u tk ur a fucking noob! you  should be banned from every server!! except 1s u get a ping of 1000+

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