+0|7099|Bay Area, CA
BTW, I think it is fine that the promotions go quicker now.  I mean... if you think about it, there are guys that are WAY ahead already, and not everyone is going to play this game as actively as they are... not to mention, it would take most of us several relentless months of playing to get the next highest rank --- who is up for playing this game for a year before they get to the top? You know?  Because with EA (I used to work there), their mentality is to release a new title constantly and consistently.  So by the time people start to get in higher ranks with the old promotion system, there will be a far superior game out that everyone will want to play, scrapping the old one we have now.  Also, the Spec Ops expansion is coming out very very soon, which leaves me to believe the reasoning behind all of this faster ranking system.

But if you guys think about it, the ranks visually mean nothing, other than commander control.  And everyone that is a Gunnery Sergeant is just a Corporal, and so on.  The only thing that is obviously different is the weapon unlocks.  You have lots to choose from now of course, but the game just got a whole lot more challenging because of that, which I like.

The only dislike I have right now is that the rank badges look way too similar.... and it is very hard to make out what they are.

Last edited by Tweaky (2005-10-04 19:00:12)

Freak Went Flier
I'm still downloading... but I can already see whats happening.

I was bummed out when I first got the game and saw how much work went into each new promotion.  But I worked my arse off and was about to pick up SSGT.  It's taken weeks of play, play, potty, play, eat, sleep, play...
Now I'm bummed it's so easy to make rank.  The prestige of rank is less if not gone.  Same for (most) medals, ribbons and badges.

Also, the chopper hate'as have won the day.  I'm not a blackhawk ho, but it took intense teamwork to do it well.  Maybe the 1.04 patch should make the snipers cross-eyed and tanks fire blanks.  Then nooene will enjoy the game.

As I said, I havend logged in yet to unlock the rest of the weapons.  But I feel like we just elected Bush again.
+0|7099|Bay Area, CA
Well.... just work hard to get the next rank, and the next, and the next.... like we've always done?

But now it leaves all the high up ranks to unlock nothing else   Just gives you superior Commander control.

EDIT: Or maybe this is some sort of trick EA is playing on us!  Everyone is so anxious to unlock weapons when we could save the unlocks for later when the time is right

Last edited by Tweaky (2005-10-04 19:27:04)

Whatever they did with the TV missle is the worst change ive seen so far. I used to be able to hit a chopper/blackhawk 9/10 times up to 600m. I dont know if its slower to respond to my clicks or what... I am very dissapointed. That TV missle was my forte. Now im lucky to get 30% Very Very disheaartening

Anyone else notice the differences?
Freak Went Flier

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

I used to be able to hit a chopper/blackhawk 9/10 times up to 600m.
I think the days of blackhawks full of people are over anyway.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Croak has it perfectly.   andert883 just wait darn it.

Sigh... I'm still pretty ambivalent on if this is a good or bad thing.

McPwned wrote:

I personally liked when ranks were few and far between.
b) It's easier to tell who the better players are.
its hard to see weather its a master or gunny or what ever. since 1st SGT (former: SGT)  and higher ranks have these zoomed icons u still can differ higher ranks.
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7094|Alabama Coast, USA
Well... I'm newer to the game, so may get flamed for saying...  I like and understand the rank changes (though the first couple might have been better to spread a little bit farther).

So fine... instead of looking at SSgt and up, and assuming they're good, look for Master Guns, and you know to watch out for (or if on your team, follow) the guy with brass instead of chevrons.

What the bulk of the complaints along these lines seems to be about is this: if all the sudden points issued were 10x, and all players had their previously earned scores multiplied by 10, the guy who had 50k points would be complaining because someone who had 5k now has 50k, and it was far harder for him to get there (even though the guy now has 500k, and it's going to be just as hard for the new guy to get there as it was for the experienced player to get to 50k on the old curve).

So fine... now instead of shooting for NCO ranks, you're shooting for officer ranks (I was kind of wondering why the ranks only went up to E9 anyhow).  And as for unlocks... Oh well.  C'mon... any single one of those weapons were attainable at 1,000pts anyhow.  Anyone who likes sniper is going to have an M95 at 1k...  you can still only kit ONE of those weapons at a time anyhow.  There'll be something else coming along...  it would be really odd for them to make the change, but keep the "goodies" skewed to the low end (the now easier enlisted ranks).  My guess is that it could be one of two things...  A) They give some "ability" unlocks, for the next teir of ranks only.  So for instance at 2LT, you get your first "Ability Unlock".  Could be 10-20% extra armor, faster reload, etc, who knows (using one at a time, like current unlocks, I would hope).  B) The give some second level, or "Advanced Weapon Unlocks", such as that better-than-M95 sniper rifle someone mentioned that was in the system, but unavailable...  again, likely to only be attained with an officer unlock (so you can't play for a week, and get several of the second round of unlocks).

Further... someone was ticked in this thread about commanders not getting TKs: they shouldn't.  Yeah... if hit with artie, the team member should die, but c'mon, you have 1) an audible warning, and 2) a big indicator on your HUD map...  from what I understand, a lot of noobs would see the artie sign and run TOWARDS it, so the area's clear, Commander calls artie, noobs run in and get TKd, then punish the commander.  Lame...  I suck, and even I knew the first time I saw it that it meant "Danger, Stay away".  On the flip side, if you've got a commander that sucks, or is trying for TKs, they're supposedly easier to boot (mutiny from what I've read will now only poll the team trying to kick the commander...  not the whole server, including enemies who have it in the best interest to keep the other side's lackluster commander in place).

They ought to do the same for mines...  at least after a timer.  If you walk over an icon with a big red skull and crossbones and die... it's suicide.  Just give it like a 15-30 second timer, so you do get a TK say if you run and drop it right in front of a moving friendly tank.  I'd probably say the same for C4... but those are user-triggered.

tF-voodoochild wrote:

My favorite thing so far is the people with the Staff Sergent rank (or any 'high' rank) who cannot keep a chopper in the air for more than two seconds without finding the ground. The rank shift has just made it near impossible to judge how well someone is going to be as a pilot based on their current ranking.
I have to agree here. I always waited to see if someone of 'rank' was going to be pilot, too many times I've got into a chopper when a fresh faced recruit took charge, only to find myself back at base within seconds of lift off (not a pilot myself).

I'm not sure about all of this upgraded rank, I prefer to work hard for a living and it was a real achievement to reach Corporal, it felt good. Now I just don't know... I keep telling myself it's just a game, but you know, what's the point now that everyone has everything.... some things are just meant to be earned.

APCs going uphill is better, name places on the mini map may cause a 'blind spot' in the heat of battle if there's another 'blue' close by.
All in all, I think EA have done this to appeal to those that thought getting 20k - 60k was just too much, personally, I was in it for the long haul
IT is a complete JOKE... everyone is going to be SGT Major... 50,000 pts... and until someone can get 250,000 pts... we are at a stalemate.  Yeah, all you newbee's might love the patch, bc you dont have to work at all to get ne thing, but everyone who has put in time to earn things in this game, like it should have stayed.... has gone stright to h3ll!!!!  400hrs now i feel like someone just kicked me in the nutz.  I was happy with the way things were going in the rank area, and unlock area.   But now i have everything this ranking system has to offer.  Besides dumb medals... that almost helps me ingame. 

You will all have fun untill you start getting killed my everyone with an m95, or get mowed down with a m13a1 (jackhammer), or get picked off by a g36c.  Have fun with your new unlocks... keep in mind everyone has them..
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX
I have really enjoyed all the upgrades w/ 1.3, until I had been Commander a few times, and well... I received NO SCORES FOR any ARTY kills ON WAKE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!! NONE. Period. I was Chinese CMD, and all the little Marine were running around the Carrier deck like they always do, and also the little ARTY Island. I must have taken out 15-20 in three Arty strikes! We won the round 145-0 and my final score was... SEVEN(7)!!!! and I do have Screenshots. Let me know if you have heard about this, too. Thanks.
as i said wooop-te-dooo... commander... well here is a suggestion... dont do commander things... just go help your team by killing enemys in vehicles, res'ing, heal, ammo... and you will get much more pts!  Another bf2 balancing issue.
Why are most of the people whining about the ranks? Sure, most of the people are sergeant now, BUT THERE ARE HIGHER RANKS!
It's not like you they have the SAME rank as you have, they are still lower in rank so you are still special.
Ok, so everybody has a DAO-12. Are you guys afraid of being shot? Prove your rank and kill them even if they have a DAO-12! If you think you're better than some n00b with a large gun then shoot him, don't come crying here that it's not fair because in my opinion it is fair. Now we are all equal and we can all use those better guns.

And before the patch there were also privats flying a heli so whats the different?
Moderator Emeritus
+236|7119|Portland, OR, USA

The ranks are rediculous now. Everyone I was in a server with was a Sergeant. I'd say 1/2 way inbetween the old ranks and the new ranks would be good.
I agree with Paladus902; don't moan, it will take a time to adapt but now the strategy comes looking around the corner. So get organized (I can't say it enough )!!!! And if you got a clan tag already, too bad m8, I've been playing like over 200+ hours and working for my Spec-Ops Veteran badge and now it's only like 15 hours??? Hahahahahaha unbeleivable but funny. Look at my stats: I'll probably get 4!!! unlocks now; a patch is like a penny-> you have 2 sides!!! Good and bad (this is just a figure of speech, don't laugh).

Hope my english isn't too bad??

Last edited by L3onardo (2005-10-05 01:05:48)


[CoN]Eraser wrote:

Why are most of the people whining about the ranks? Sure, most of the people are sergeant now, BUT THERE ARE HIGHER RANKS!
It's not like you they have the SAME rank as you have, they are still lower in rank so you are still special.
Ok, so everybody has a DAO-12. Are you guys afraid of being shot? Prove your rank and kill them even if they have a DAO-12! If you think you're better than some n00b with a large gun then shoot him, don't come crying here that it's not fair because in my opinion it is fair. Now we are all equal and we can all use those better guns.

And before the patch there were also privats flying a heli so whats the different?
I think you should re-read what peolpe have wrote, and think about it a little bit longer.  Your not grasping what they are saying.  You have not played bf2 enough to understand what it means... to play for as long as a LOT of peolpe did, to just have EA give 400 hrs worth of playing away in 4 minutes to everyone!!!  yeah i went up in rank too... but thats not how i wanted to go up.  Rank is suppose to have its privlages, it does not! Nothing special about rank anymore!! Nothing special about the unlocked guns.  When you play a game a long time... you need to have a goal, to keep you playing,  well my goals are all complete, and i did them all in about 5 minutes after I installed the patch.
First i have to say, that i loved the old ranked System. Even though it was really hard to reach a higher rank.

And all of u who like the new system think too short-dated.
I thought that the Rank-System could have be something for years. Not only for the first couply of Month the People play Battlefield 2. What about a continuation over many Versions of the game. Playing in a few years Battlefield 5 and become a Sergeant Major? Like in the real Army. There u have to be 15 to 30 Years on the job to become a Major.
Now it is much too easy climb up the Rank. It must be a Joke (or a bad Dream).
Why could'nt they find realistic average, why did they made it a Joke out of it.
+0|7149|Austria, Europe
well for me its quite simple...

there were no rankings & unlocks in 1942 or vietnam...was it a great game? yes

so who cares...

enjoy the game, play it for fun and not for stats...

sure theres nothing special now about ranks & unlocked weapons...but its even more special now to get a gold medal in a round cause of the have to show more skill then before...

and i also invested 400+ hours of gameplay & worked hard for every unlock & rank...
+2|7134|Rotterdam, Netherlands
Everybody wining about the ranks and unlocks while there are more important complains that infect your gameplay.

- I was in a map (dont know witch one anymore so sorry about that) and when i was driving the tank on wheels (dont know the name either lol)...... when i pointen my barrow on the enemies tank it dissapeared. This also happend with enemies walking arround. They just became invinsible.

- When you are killed and you wanna respawn at another spawn point then before, it goed like this;
killed>>> map show up so you can click on a spawnpoint>>> it doesnt work>>> push enter to make the map dissapear>>> bring it back again>>> now click on a spawnpoint>>> and now you can get back in the game!!!

- The sound when you are in the tank wioth wheels when you turn the barrow is FUCKED, never heard a wacker sound then that. But when you shout it sound lovely.

Thats it for now, like other said, i hope EA is coming quickly with a patchfix for this patch and its bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psycho Al
I don't like the removal of TK points for Commanders shelling their own men. Nine times out of ten on servers I've played on it's not the fault of the guys on the ground that they get shelled by their own man. It's the commander chosing to shell a point where a squad is desperately trying to cap, or where a squad is fighting a tight battle to defend it (that's always "fun" when the commander shells you and your friends as they do some sterling defending ).

Croak wrote:

...  But they still want to feel like they're accomplishing something. ...

It is totally nonsense becoming a Sergeant in just a few hours of playing. Nobody feel like a "hero" when he get promotet as a gift. But u feel good, when u have to play 5/10/25/50 hours for the next promotion.

Nobody feel like a Veteran just after 15 Hours being a SpecOps!!!!!!!! That is f***ing bullshit (sorry for that). A Veteran Badget shouldnt be something that u earn after 15 hours playtime. Event though u paid for the game.

When u are a somebody playing the game just 10 Hours a Month, u CANNOT anticipate to get a high Rank for free, or getting a Veteran Badget. Come on. In addition when u just play 10 hours a month i think u wont play that game in 6 month anymore.

I dont care about the unlocks. Maybe EA should split the Rank from the unlocks.
Keep the points like they are for unlocks, and bring back the old System for Ranks, Medals, and Badges.

Take the system serious(like i do). If not, dont condemn people who do.

That's it Croak, it's ment to be fun too, not only RANK. I'm aware that everyone who plays this game is a winner and wants to win, that's the beauty of this game you always win points no matter if you lose the battle. Keep it funny guys, I'll whoop somebody's ass and he'll whoop mine lol. See you soon (if you're in range).

Ragamuffin wrote:

Croak wrote:

...  But they still want to feel like they're accomplishing something. ...

It is totally nonsense becoming a Sergeant in just a few hours of playing. Nobody feel like a "hero" when he get promotet as a gift. But u feel good, when u have to play 5/10/25/50 hours for the next promotion.

Nobody feel like a Veteran just after 15 Hours being a SpecOps!!!!!!!! That is f***ing bullshit (sorry for that). A Veteran Badget shouldnt be something that u earn after 15 hours playtime. Event though u paid for the game.

When u are a somebody playing the game just 10 Hours a Month, u CANNOT anticipate to get a high Rank for free, or getting a Veteran Badget. Come on. In addition when u just play 10 hours a month i think u wont play that game in 6 month anymore.

I dont care about the unlocks. Maybe EA should split the Rank from the unlocks.
Keep the points like they are for unlocks, and bring back the old System for Ranks, Medals, and Badges.

Take the system serious(like i do). If not, dont condemn people who do.

Dude you got a problem, really! Games are made to be FUN!!!! So what's the fun for a new guy or like we say Newbie or Noob to buy a game where he's constantly being killed by ranked players?? He'll think it's a waste of time and nothing worth it. On the otherhand if he gets something real quick he'll stay interested, btw points mean nothing in real life, get a grip don't become a pale white monkey behind his PC.
+0|7137|Stuttgart, Germany
I've read all your posts... Everyone complains about this and that...

But no one bitches about the servers. So let me be the one.

I downloaded the Patch last nite. Luckily found a server that provided me with 220 kB/sec, so it wasn't much of a wait.
After installing it, I went to look out for ranked "OFFICIAL" servers... I live in Germany, which means "EA Europe"...

First try... Ranked server list... nice... but 500 ms??? too laggy... added the Filter.....0 Servers returned although the full list showed EA Europe servers...

couldn't get any server after that...


Found 20 servers with 0/32 players... DOOOH!!!!

searched for 5 min.. found one with 27/32 players... joined... WHOHOOO!!! I like the names on the map... now I know where which point is... and I got supplies from my commander as well.. YEAH!!!
Even further... cool... new ranks with every kill! ;-) HAPPY player now....

UNTIL!!!! The round ended...

next round started.... 10 players somehow get disconnected at map start....

hmm.. NOT ENOUGH players... game will start when 3 more players join..... 4 more.... 5 more....6 more... I resign and sign off.

Today... somewhat 15 hours later... my ranks have NOT shown up at the BFHQ.....

SCREW the EA Official server admins... maybe I should apply for a job there to get that stuff running?

I HATE EA Official Servers!!!!! Wasted WAY too much time and points there that NEVER got to the BFHQ.....
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
This was discussed last night in-game, with all the new ranks and unlocks, the stat-padding is done.  Everyone that was doing it now will stop because there's nothing left for them to gain from it.  They'll move on to the next game and those of us who enjoy playing for fun/teamwork can still enjoy it for ourselves.  I like that. 

Oh yeah, anyone notice anything weird about the mines?  It seems they can be shot at now and blown up?  I also shot at a claymore and it disappeared.  Maybe that was just a timing issue with the sniper dying just before I shot at it or something.  But the mines are definitely different.  I was standing on/near one and it blew, why I don't know and it killed me.  Strange. 

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