The#1Spot wrote:
Fuck no Amd! 30% performance loss compared to Intels of the same speed. Where's my 30% price reduction?
smuder201 wrote:
Bloody hell a AMD option, is the AMD cpu a viable option though compared to C2d options.
AH HA HA! No. Amd used to be good, but now they are rebranding the same Cpu's & Gpu's as next gen.
EDIT: Here's a comparison.
C2Q Q6600 for 190. … 6819115017AMD Phenom 9850 … 6819103249Both the cheapest Quad core cpu's off their respective manufacturers. The C2 will crush the Phenom by atleast 30% even with the 100mhz difference in favor for the Amd.
Also I don't Hate Amd. Just the bullshit situation they put the graphics market in by buying Ati. No competition for Nvidia, by re-releasing the Same basic core every generation with a new name and a few tweaks. They even got Nvidia doing it! The only major difference between the HD2xxx, HD3xxx, and HD4xxx is the series number and the amount of graphics processing pipelines. Same with the 8xxx, 9xxx, and Gtx 200 series.
Honestly when was the last time we had a Major jump in Gpu core architecture? 2006 with the release of the 8 and the X1k series. Now those were real jumps. Everything changed, Windows changed things there was no going back.
Last edited by David.P (2008-08-26 20:45:38)