Spidery_Yoda wrote:
Vilham wrote:
Basically the reason Valve doesn't like the PS3 is because they don't want to learn to programme on it and they don't want to hire people that can programme on it. Lazy tbh.
It's because they are a 150 person company and don't have the resources to go through all the time and effort of learning how to program for the PS3. Time and effort which could be spent working on their games. Simple as that.
Yes Gabe said bad things about it, so what that was years ago. Everyone was saying bad things about it. It had a bad launch, and it was stupidly difficult to program for. When the Orange Box was made they didn't do a PS3 version because like I said they didn't have the time or resources to figure it out.
Now the machine is getting successful they're re-evaluating the situation. Whats wrong with that.
But yes. Anybody who buys their game on anything except the PC is a bit of an idiot.
150 is a LARGE developer. Most developers are around 40-100 strong.
If you think learning a new programming language that is likely to earn their company lots of money is a waste of time you couldn't be more wrong. Most programmers will spend THEIR OWN TIME learning new languages, because if they don't in 5 years time they will get replaced with someone who is better than them. It isn't stupidly hard to programme for its a set number of cores, if anything its probably easier to program for than mutlicore PCs as you don't know how many cores the user could have, working on set hardware is FAR easier than programming for PC. Its also a weak argument saying you won't learn something because its harder than what you know, what they did is comparable to me dropping out of my degree because I had to learn C++ which is harder than Java.
I know much smaller UK based companies that are making games for xbox360, PC and PS3 and they don't give these weakass excuses tbh.
Valve also has LOTS of money, they can easily expand their staff to 5 PS3 programmers which is all they would need.
What I predict is Valve does exactly that pretty soon because they want very experienced PS3 programmers and people have only had the chance to get 2 years experience so far, which in the scheme of programming is nothing. That's the only reason I can see valve not getting their own PS3 programmers.