"I want to go to that magical land where the trees have gumdrops and the rivers flow with whiskey."

LMFAO..!!! Good stuff..KurtisMayfield

Last edited by AssHat (2006-03-07 07:43:00)

Asshats like you Dandipshit are why I hate this game some days.

You feel that because you think you are better than anyone else alive when it comes to a specific vehicle, you have an undeniable right to that vehicle.  I got some news for you.  YOU DONT.  You are also that player that will spend half the game time waiting at the chopper spawn mashing 'E' until your fingers bleed regardless of whether or not someone was there first.  GOT NEWS. First Come First Serve.  Dont like the fact that your buttbuddy didnt get the gunner seat and someone with less rank than you got the hot seat, and according to your views cant fly worth a lick.  Instead of becoming an asshat and not doing anything, and wasting resources, talk to that guy, give him pointers,  its not all that freaking hard.  I had a clan mate do that to me once, screamed at me in vent after I couldnt get away from the havok and I told him to jump.  I told him the same things I am telling you.  He didnt once help me learn how to become a better flier, just yelled and screamed and called me names for not being better than him.

Now, I am probably one of the better chopper pilots in the clan.  And now he doesnt hesitate to try to get the gunner seat with me.  and I dont mind, he's a good gunner.

now to recap my point.

Nothing kills a new players desire to learn how to do something right like an overbearing prick that knows everything and isnt afraid to tell you off.

Dont like when a noob flies or guns for you. get out and wait for the next one to spawn.

BerkuT_gru wrote:

YES !!! When i am w8ing for a choper whit my clan gunner (i'm the pilot) we simply TK any noob that gets in the gunners place. Why ? coz we have a KD 10-1 on heavy AA maps and on the maps like sharqi lol we get 30-1 so why should some noob use the choper if he cant even see a guy infront of him, or if he is trying to gun down a choper in 100m away from him, when i am targeting him for a 100% TV shot. So we kill them, i feel no respect for 80% of server players that are about average noobs, i'm not sorry if i run down them whit vodnik or something. NooB like them are siting in these forums and crying all day long. GO FUCKING PLAY THE GAME !!!! AND GET SOME SKILL. WHATS WHIT THESE NOOBS CRYING HERE. NOOBS YOU HAVE A KD ~1 GET SOME SKILLL AND STFU ABOUT BUNNIES AND PKM'ers. NO PATCH CAN HELP YOU NOOBS BECOME BETTER ! ADMIT IT !
Wow, your Caps Lock seems to be stuck. I honestly don't give a crap about your awesome helicopter skills, or that off your clan-mate. You want to know why?

Because squad consisting of clan-mates don't listen to their commander. When I order a helicopter to defend a certain location against armor or infantry, they ignore the order and start chuck-norrising the map like crazy.

And I don't have any respect for people that do not want to play this game as a team.
I guess you'd be the type that is more interested in your own damn stats than reviving a shot teammate.

I look forward to shooting you from the sky. In a way that is suitable. Battle! The sweetness of the Essex Gun's working together.

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-03-07 07:55:51)

+630|6957|The Netherlands
indeed i hate it to, whem im flying with friend of mine, and were on TS....we get alot of points, die( trough a moron F35B n00b that slows down to speed=200) and so we spawn again and we go wait for the helo, when a stupid private comes and joins the waiting....
u now what's comming: yes he gets the gunner seat...*arg*, and he cant hit a shit, and when i say he should he use his tv missiles he asks "how do u use em?"

whieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee low ranking dudes should not be allowed to get in expert vehicles...
WOW..Thank you Imgragael....You made me go back and re-read my post... HMM.. It's odd how you RE-WORDED my post for me.. NOT ANYWHERE DOES IT SAY that i'm better than everyone else and nor does it say that I wait for certain vehicles to spawn in..
I DO NOTHING of the sort. I can help you by sending you a copy of "HOOKED ON PHONICS" to help you understand words correctly if you need?
Pilots.. go here and see the actual combat video of a Cobra heli doing what it does best... OH AND TAKE NOTE HOW THE PILOT SITS STILL SO THE GUNNER CAN SET UP HIS SHOT AND " MAKE THE KILL"
The link is good.. not dead so don't make excuses that you cannot see it.. If you cannot view the movie clip you CAN download it and save to hard drive.
If you DO NOT view the movie and STILL whine and cry you have no right to complain about your gunner.
IF YOU DO view the movie then re-think your flying and co-operate WITH YOUR GUNNER and give him the shot.
*****NOTICE how steady the pilot holds the helo for the gunner...*******
Enuff said..!!!
heres the VALID link..*TIP how to save file. RIGHT CLICK where it says to " right click here to download " AND click "Save Target As" and save the .AVI file

Last edited by AssHat (2006-03-07 18:48:03)

+17|7057|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)

Russian_Warrior wrote:

I've actually been right on a guy, and I've just fired right into him, and he just bunnyhops away. That pissed me off. Any tips?
lead them. shoot about a milimeter or two to the right of him (1-2 meters in his eyes, down on the ground)
let me just say, i play a wake 2007 server all the time, and the jet is mine. you take it ill put c4 on it, i dont give a shit how good you are, because no matter what... im better, and even at that.. im probably the best jet pilot in bf2 , out of my 150 deaths, atleast 70 were rams, while i have 6200+ kills.. either way i agree with the original poster... you can claim vehicles as yours, if you dont agree with me then shut ur fuckin mouth you stupid fuckin whore, im always right
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

nix0n wrote:

let me just say, i play a wake 2007 server all the time, and the jet is mine. you take it ill put c4 on it, i dont give a shit how good you are, because no matter what... im better, and even at that.. im probably the best jet pilot in bf2 , out of my 150 deaths, atleast 70 were rams, while i have 6200+ kills.. either way i agree with the original poster... you can claim vehicles as yours, if you dont agree with me then shut ur fuckin mouth you stupid fuckin whore, im always right
your just so gonna get the shit taken outta you unfortunatly i cant be bothered so someone else can,il just leave it as simple as this You=faggot.
Quote: nix0n...out of my 150 deaths, atleast 70 were rams,

ya.. there are too many rammin fags out there like you that CANNOT lockon and get the kill so they have to ram the jet into you. In my clan server you'd be kicked and banned immediately. We don't need your kind in there.  Ramming isn't how good you are,EVERYONE knows it's how bad you SUCK that you have to resort to ramming.
Hey nix0n, why not have a few ribs out so you can suck your own cock too? I can't believe you have a 40:1 K/D in a jet, let's see your stats then.

And, I hate people like you, so far up your own arse that you don't realise other people want to play the game. That sort of attitude would get you banned from some of the servers I frequent. So I look forwards to never meeting you online. Good riddance.

nix0n wrote:

let me just say, i play a wake 2007 server all the time, and the jet is mine. you take it ill put c4 on it, i dont give a shit how good you are, because no matter what... im better, and even at that.. im probably the best jet pilot in bf2 , out of my 150 deaths, atleast 70 were rams, while i have 6200+ kills.. either way i agree with the original poster... you can claim vehicles as yours, if you dont agree with me then shut ur fuckin mouth you stupid fuckin whore, im always right
I wish you well in life and hope you do well when you finally get into High School. What do you do in real life to make you such a tyrannical god in the intraweb?

Bernadictus wrote:

BerkuT_gru wrote:

YES !!! When i am w8ing for a choper whit my clan gunner (i'm the pilot) we simply TK any noob that gets in the gunners place. Why ? coz we have a KD 10-1 on heavy AA maps and on the maps like sharqi lol we get 30-1 so why should some noob use the choper if he cant even see a guy infront of him, or if he is trying to gun down a choper in 100m away from him, when i am targeting him for a 100% TV shot. So we kill them, i feel no respect for 80% of server players that are about average noobs, i'm not sorry if i run down them whit vodnik or something. NooB like them are siting in these forums and crying all day long. GO FUCKING PLAY THE GAME !!!! AND GET SOME SKILL. WHATS WHIT THESE NOOBS CRYING HERE. NOOBS YOU HAVE A KD ~1 GET SOME SKILLL AND STFU ABOUT BUNNIES AND PKM'ers. NO PATCH CAN HELP YOU NOOBS BECOME BETTER ! ADMIT IT !
Wow, your Caps Lock seems to be stuck. I honestly don't give a crap about your awesome helicopter skills, or that off your clan-mate. You want to know why?

Because squad consisting of clan-mates don't listen to their commander. When I order a helicopter to defend a certain location against armor or infantry, they ignore the order and start chuck-norrising the map like crazy.

And I don't have any respect for people that do not want to play this game as a team.
I guess you'd be the type that is more interested in your own damn stats than reviving a shot teammate.

I look forward to shooting you from the sky. In a way that is suitable. Battle! The sweetness of the Essex Gun's working together.
LOL we actualy see when flags are beeing caped. And we see when it goes neutral and rush there, in distance of 400m gunner shots TV. Thats the point we help our team to win. And we listen to what commander orders and if this a logical order we folow it. FFS dont you think that commanders can be noobs to ? there was like 100 times my squad was caping and doing battles and we get an order to fix damn UAV ? WTF should we folow it ? We do see flags being caped. We do have our eyes on UAV every 5 s and We do win damn games. Thats the point choper is fast and powerfull atack venicle. So i don't understand when there is 1 choper on the whole team and still like 10 noobs wayting for it, just to take it and get shot 20 s latter and dont do anything usefull. And whats that shit about giving advises to noobs. FFS i feel responcible for the people i work with, i mean thos i respect, so should i advise every noobs that flies whit me ? its like 4/5 gunners dont have an idea what are they doing. After some imba crashes at start, i got pissed went to an empty server and was flying a choper for 5 hours. The same next and next and next day. Just coz i didint want other to be pissed at me coz i suck. Get the point ? respect me and i will respect you... If a venicle on the map is crutial to team virctory so why not give it so people that know what to do whit it ? Noobs dont think.... they run.... they cry.... they die....

P.S. It would be fun if there was a server where you could play only if you have 50k global score....
P.S.S and the essex shit wouldn't work... TV 400 M take care of essex nicly. And the ? !@$#%@!%!#^ stop baseraping !!! and all other noob stuff.

Last edited by BerkuT_gru (2006-03-07 16:18:54)

Mod Incarnate

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

BerkuT_gru wrote:

YES !!! When i am w8ing for a choper whit my clan gunner (i'm the pilot) we simply TK any noob that gets in the gunners place. Why ? coz we have a KD 10-1 on heavy AA maps and on the maps like sharqi lol we get 30-1 so why should some noob use the choper if he cant even see a guy infront of him, or if he is trying to gun down a choper in 100m away from him, when i am targeting him for a 100% TV shot. So we kill them, i feel no respect for 80% of server players that are about average noobs, i'm not sorry if i run down them whit vodnik or something. NooB like them are siting in these forums and crying all day long. GO FUCKING PLAY THE GAME !!!! AND GET SOME SKILL. WHATS WHIT THESE NOOBS CRYING HERE. NOOBS YOU HAVE A KD ~1 GET SOME SKILLL AND STFU ABOUT BUNNIES AND PKM'ers. NO PATCH CAN HELP YOU NOOBS BECOME BETTER ! ADMIT IT !
Wow, your Caps Lock seems to be stuck. I honestly don't give a crap about your awesome helicopter skills, or that off your clan-mate. You want to know why?

Because squad consisting of clan-mates don't listen to their commander. When I order a helicopter to defend a certain location against armor or infantry, they ignore the order and start chuck-norrising the map like crazy.

And I don't have any respect for people that do not want to play this game as a team.
I guess you'd be the type that is more interested in your own damn stats than reviving a shot teammate.

I look forward to shooting you from the sky. In a way that is suitable. Battle! The sweetness of the Essex Gun's working together.
LOL we actualy see when flags are beeing caped. And we see when it goes neutral and rush there, in distance of 400m gunner shots TV. Thats the point we help our team to win. And we listen to what commander orders and if this a logical order we folow it. FFS dont you think that commanders can be noobs to ? there was like 100 times my squad was caping and doing battles and we get an order to fix damn UAV ? WTF should we folow it ? We do see flags being caped. We do have our eyes on UAV every 5 s and We do win damn games. Thats the point choper is fast and powerfull atack venicle. So i don't understand when there is 1 choper on the whole team and still like 10 noobs wayting for it, just to take it and get shot 20 s latter and dont do anything usefull. And whats that shit about giving advises to noobs. FFS i feel responcible for the people i work with, i mean thos i respect, so should i advise every noobs that flies whit me ? its like 4/5 gunners dont have an idea what are they doing. After some imba crashes at start, i got pissed went to an empty server and was flying a choper for 5 hours. The same next and next and next day. Just coz i didint want other to be pissed at me coz i suck. Get the point ? respect me and i will respect you... If a venicle on the map is crutial to team virctory so why not give it so people that know what to do whit it ? Noobs dont think.... they run.... they cry.... they die....

P.S. It would be fun if there was a server where you could play only if you have 50k global score....
P.S.S and the essex shit wouldn't work... TV 400 M take care of essex nicly. And the ? !@$#%@!%!#^ stop baseraping !!! and all other noob stuff.
Its arrogant pricks like you that make most servers so antagonistic. I don't care how much the other people waiting suck, if they get in first I let them have it and go do something else, or I just wait for their inevitable death. Teamkilling for vehicles is the trademark of the imbecile...

Last edited by Skruples (2006-03-08 14:13:33)

+-2|7100|U.K DURHAM
chopper whore you just asking for all this crap grow up ffs it not your chopper bf2 has more than choppers in it you know. plus every 1 who has this game has a right to it just like you i bet your 1 of them team killing pricks if you dont get your own way are you. now go suck your dummy and get ya ass changed or is it your mouth thats full of crap.

the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.
Own3d, i dont see your name on it dan...

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.
Own3d, i dont see your name on it dan...
Probably just another 12 yr old who got spoiled by his parents. Thinks everything everywhere should be his. Try that shit in jail or in the army and see how far it gets you. You be one shanked mother fucker in no time.
Dropped on request

Imgragael wrote:

Asshats like you Dandipshit are why I hate this game some days.

You are also that player that will spend half the game time waiting at the chopper spawn mashing 'E' until your fingers bleed regardless of whether or not someone was there first. 
Dont like when a noob flies or guns for you. get out and wait for the next one to spawn.
This is how I know you are a noob. You can hold down E.
Dropped on request

BerkuT_gru wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Go into a server with no tk punish, go sniper, and snipe the noobs who get in the chopper.

As someone who spends alot of time commanding, I would rather a pair of sick chopper pilots get the chopper and not some fucking nobody who doesn't even know that clearing the chopper HUD as a gunner is necessary. As a commander, I need to WIN to get my points... having noobs using vehicles is a thorn in my side.

So yes, I agree with the poster. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HIS HELICOPTER.
YES !!! When i am w8ing for a choper whit my clan gunner (i'm the pilot) we simply TK any noob that gets in the gunners place. Why ? coz we have a KD 10-1 on heavy AA maps and on the maps like sharqi lol we get 30-1 so why should some noob use the choper if he cant even see a guy infront of him, or if he is trying to gun down a choper in 100m away from him, when i am targeting him for a 100% TV shot. So we kill them, i feel no respect for 80% of server players that are about average noobs, i'm not sorry if i run down them whit vodnik or something. NooB like them are siting in these forums and crying all day long. GO FUCKING PLAY THE GAME !!!! AND GET SOME SKILL. WHATS WHIT THESE NOOBS CRYING HERE. NOOBS YOU HAVE A KD ~1 GET SOME SKILLL AND STFU ABOUT BUNNIES AND PKM'ers. NO PATCH CAN HELP YOU NOOBS BECOME BETTER ! ADMIT IT !
See people, this is the type of moron that we need to flame. I've dealth with their type. They call anyone who isn't in their clan a noob. Doesn't even matter if you are a higher rank than they are. I've got news for you bud. You aint hot shit. You may think you are good but theres plently of people out there who can own your ignorant asses. Come find me anyday kid. Your K/D ratio will suffer greatly.

Clearly Brains do not equal score, or you would have zero

You ain't nothin BOY

Grow up

I notice that you have been real quiet

I'll be watchin you
It's so amazing to me how stupid people can be about the vehicles in this game.  Whether it's taking off alone in a jeep or transport helo, or a group of guys all camping for "MY PLANE!!!!" the damn things just bring out all the worst in people. I've actually had some guy call for a pickup, get in the gunner's seat, and then spam the "get out" message so his clanmate could fly with him, and then another time two guys got on teamspeak and bitched and moaned that the pilot owns the helo and "its the rules, you have to get out if he tells u to" and I wondered, wtf makes you so goddamn special? Exactly how do you know that the guy you're trying to get rid of isnt actually better than you and your friend put together? In the 2 sec. it took for you to start bitching, did ya alt-tab out to see how he does in that thing compared to you? Same goes for people that jump in the gunners seat in the tank and order you out "cuz they pwn all u n00bzez!!!" Now, granted, i've been pretty pissed sometimes that some noobie runs over as me and one of my clanmates takes some vehicle we were going to team up and use. And yes, i think that two clanmates, or hell, two squadmates that can coordinate well over teamspeak are going to be more effective than just a couple that happened to get to the helo first. I say, if there's someone waiting for something to spawn, then let them have it. You can do more damage running around killing or capturing flags than standing there having a pissing match about who the damn thing belongs to. You don't have to pass any basic training, or have an IQ over 100, or any sort of test at all to play this game, just pony up the cash and boot it up.  Therefore, you're going to run into those that either don't know what they're doing, or don't care for teamplay. But them's the breaks; cope.  Noob has the armor/helo and you're getting raped by one? Better get some AT coordinated pronto. Don't like someone using "your" tank/plane/aa/etc, go start up your own server or better yet, get into single player. Then you can have allllll the fun you want and not have to deal with real people.

Just don't take my shit cuz i'll tk your ass lolz.
if i fly with a n00b chopper pilot or gunner i just get out and use a jet

Waaaaaay back on point, I agree with the gist of the poster.

If this was Quake, I would not.

Battlefield 2, lest you forget, is a TEAM game. Playing is NOT about getting the most points, it's NOT about getting the most kills. It is about playing as a team and winning the round.

I am of the opinion that if there is a better chopper pilot/gunner in the server GIVE THEM THE DAMN VEHICLE. The difference between a decent pilot/gunner and a damn good pilot/gunner is very likely the difference between winning and losing. Vehicles (jets, tanks, and heli's) are KEY components to tipping the advantage of a game in favor of one team or another.

I'm a decent chopper pilot, I can pull off some nice manuevers, I got my head on my shoulders, I know how to use a gunner. But when I'm playing with Skruples, I go find a fucking jeep. When I don't know the other people waiting, I let them take it first time around -- see if they last more than 3 minutes, or if they flip the bitch right out the gate.
Chuy, I agree with you on if there is a better pilot/gunner around let them have it.  For the most part that's my philosophy as we all want to win.  However, this is a game and it is for fun.  It is NOT fun when you get tk'd by some idiot because they think the aircraft is there personal toy.   

My complaint about everyone whining that the aircraft is their's, is that the aircraft is the teams aircraft and who ever gets in first gets to use it properly in battle.  Yes, some people are worse than others when it comes to using vehicles in battle.   No, that doesn't give you the right to bitch and moan about them being noobs.  You were a noob once too. 

If I don't get the aircraft I want, I don't bitch and moan about it.  I go ground pound the hell out of the enemy.  People fighting for choppers and jets have turned me into a tank whore.  As a result my k/d ratio with armor has dramatically improved. 

I like gunning in the helo for a good pilot who can keep the thing flying and give me a good tv shot.  Most of the first ribbons and badges I earned where in the helos.  I can fly a helo, but I know that there are others who are way better than me.  I am perfectly happy letting them fly it, if they will be just as happy letting me be there gunner. 

The same goes for the jets.  Last night the team I was playing on actually stole the jets from the enemy and so I was flying our bomber while a teammate was using the missles.  That was the first time I had flown a bomber for someone gunning.  We weren't on the top of the scoreboard, but we had done our part to ensure that we won the round.  I ended up with 40pts and the other guy had 50 pts.  I had more fun that round than any other last night because I was able to learn something new and try something new in a ranked server without getting bitched at for being a noob pilot.  Yes I'm a noob pilot, I have less than 5 hours in a jet, and most of that is a gunner in 2 seat bomber.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-03-09 10:43:25)

Hehe, if you were a good heli pilot you would be happy to have a bad gunner, that's just more kills for you. I often like to not have a gunner at all, but then I am a good pilot and can take out anything with hellfire missiles. Sounds like you are trying to compensate for poor piloting skills by needing to have a great gunner in your chopper. Maybe you're the one who should stay out of the heli and let a real pilot do his thing.
Dropped on request

Atlas wrote:

Hehe, if you were a good heli pilot you would be happy to have a bad gunner, that's just more kills for you. I often like to not have a gunner at all, but then I am a good pilot and can take out anything with hellfire missiles. Sounds like you are trying to compensate for poor piloting skills by needing to have a great gunner in your chopper. Maybe you're the one who should stay out of the heli and let a real pilot do his thing.
The attack chopper is much more effective when the gunner is being set up for the kills. A good pilot would never be happy with a bad gunner because if you end up against another chopper with a good pilot and gunner you will be screwed regardless of your own talent. You sir are nothing more than a selfish moron with no concept of team play.

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