Because then I would have used your name. I never asked for your stats, just your name.Jebus wrote:
Right, then why did you ask for MY BF2 name? And why did you even think about my stats (whether they suck or not), it obviously has nothing to do with the topic, at all.Mint Sauce wrote:
Right, ok.Jebus wrote:
My stats suck, so what? Unlike you, I might not care about them. And tbh, what's the fun of making new accounts over and over again just to have a better K/D ratio? Ever thought of the fact that my account could still be my first account ever, meaning little experience, aka. penalties of noobish things you did at the beginning? No? I thought so. Anyway, I'll spare you my nick because I'm sure you'll revert to the childish behaviour (like in your previous post) of saying 'lolololol sucky stats, phail @life lololol".
I'm done.
*awaits childish reply*
I couldn't give a flying fuck about my stats, I don't even play any more. I only have two other accounts, being match accounts.. I only really played with my 1st account on pubs, so it is fairly bad. And I wouldn't revert to whatever you said, I rarely judge on stats. And childish behaviour? Where did I go lololol phail stats nub moar plx or whatever? No where, thats where. I was only specualting.
The point I was trying to make is that if someone made an account that was one character off being identical to whatever yours was, wouldn't you be slightly peeved? If someone made mint-$auce-41 i'd be on the warpath.
*Awaits reply making something out of nothing.*
I understand your point, but I don't understand why you need someone else's account name/stats to make your point, but whatever floats your boat.
Say your name was Jebus_The_ProKiller, then I would use Jebus_The_ProKiIIer or something, to make my point. Get it now?