So, I've modified my rather random network a bit, and unsurprisingly, it isn't working exactly as I want.
It consists of three computers; LAPTOP, MEDIA and GAMING. LAPTOP and GAMING running Vista, whilst MEDIA is running XP. They're all connected to a good ol' huge 100TX 24-port switch from like 2000, that leads to my modem. The lappy through a Netgear access point. Here's how it is:
All computers can access the internet.
LAPTOP can see and access all three computers, and RDC to MEDIA.
GAMING can see and access LAPTOP and itself, sometimes MEDIA.
MEDIA can see GAMING, but not LAPTOP.
They're all in the same workgroup (WORKGROUP), all have IPV6 disabled, and have just about the same configurations. LAPTOP sometimes appears in the browser on MEDIA, but it isn't accessible. It is from GAMING, however.
EDIT: Apparently FahMon can update the stats from MEDIA. What is wrong here?
It consists of three computers; LAPTOP, MEDIA and GAMING. LAPTOP and GAMING running Vista, whilst MEDIA is running XP. They're all connected to a good ol' huge 100TX 24-port switch from like 2000, that leads to my modem. The lappy through a Netgear access point. Here's how it is:
All computers can access the internet.
LAPTOP can see and access all three computers, and RDC to MEDIA.
GAMING can see and access LAPTOP and itself, sometimes MEDIA.
MEDIA can see GAMING, but not LAPTOP.
They're all in the same workgroup (WORKGROUP), all have IPV6 disabled, and have just about the same configurations. LAPTOP sometimes appears in the browser on MEDIA, but it isn't accessible. It is from GAMING, however.
EDIT: Apparently FahMon can update the stats from MEDIA. What is wrong here?
Last edited by Freezer7Pro (2008-10-11 20:01:13)
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP