Dauntless wrote:
Scorpion0x17 wrote:
TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Seriously, listen to Ted and Reaper, and pretty much everyone else in this thread.
I do. I was in Staples t'other day, where they had a couple of EeePCs on display. Ms Average Woman is talking to shop assistant about purchasing a printer. No mention of laptops/portables and they didn't even look at any. Then, when he takes her over to their (overpriced USB cables display) they have to pass the EeePC display. Ms Average Woman was like "ooh!" and then she had to like physically drag herself away from them!
That's who the EeePC is marketed for - Mr and Ms Average Person.
Is that supposed to be the downside?
It's marketed for whoever wants/needs a highly portable (rly cheap) laptop, and the people who buy it use it for lots of different things.
Oops. Wrong quote. Corrected my post.
Anyhoo, no, it wasn't meant to be a downside, rather I was making much the same point as you - mininotes exist because there is a market for them - they might not suit everyones (freezers) requirements, but that's not the point.
It's called choice. And choice is a good thing.
If person X doesn't like/need/want them, so what?
There's persons A thru to W that do.
Discussing the relative merits of different products is fair enough, but arguing like a fan-boy is pointless.