Wallpaper wrote:
Sorry for bump, but its better than a new topic
I finally got around to reformatting, and it didnt help at all . I installed nothing but BF2 and GPU drivers to make sure it wasnt a conflict.
The poor FPS is really a problem when I try to play AIX; with 64 bots on karkand stormfront I get 30-20 FPS and dips down to 8. I thought my CPU wasnt beefy enough, but then I left the task manager running in the background while I was playing and my CPU usage never went past 90%. I tried GPUZ to see how much my GPU was being used, but for some reason it wont display it. Another thing, while I was playing on karkand stormfront, my GPU temperature only went up 2 degrees compared to idle.
Is it possible that the GPU isnt going into full 3d processing mode or something? And if theres even a way, would using drivers for different G92 core cards do anything? Maybe change the cards name in windows?
PS: In my mobo's BIOS, the PCIE clock is set to 100MHz, is that something that should be changed?
From anything i've learnt, 100mhz is what its supposed to be.
Btw, i found this in the help section, maybe you have read it but considering you tried everything else wouldn't hurt to give this a go (still seems rediculous that you have these problems tho mate, it should just work eh!)
Step 3a: Rename the BF2.Exe
Although the exact reason why this fix improves the gameplay is unknown, but it is probably that Ati and Nvidia recognise the program BF2.exe as one of their own, so by renaming the file, you turn the game into a normal program, not a resource hungry dinosaur! In 90% of cases this has been known to cause some increase in performance in-game. To do this follow these steps:
1. The first thing you do is find your game directory, the default is C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2
2. Once you have found the directory, locate the file BF2.exe, right click, and select properties.
3. You will then need to change the text in the white box which says "BF2", above the directory on the general tab, you can change it to anything you want! for simplicity, I changed it to BF21.exe once you have done this, CLICK APPLY!
4. The fix is now officially done, but the shortcut on your desktop will now no longer work. To change this, delete the shortcut on your desktop, goto the game directory, and right click on the newly renamed file. Click Send To, then Desktop (Create Shortcut) and you will now have a working link your desktop!
5. Make BF2 a High Priority Application: Windows shares out its resources and memory between its programs equally. It also runs its own background tasks using the "System Idle Process". By Increasing the priority of an application, Windows provides more Memory to that application, and takes memory away from it's own tasks such as the "System Idle Process". You can change the priority of an application by going to ctrl+alt+delete and changing it manually, or you can set up this file to automatically launch the program as a High Priority Application, without you touching a thing!
To perform this, follow these steps:
1. Find the BF2 directory again, the default is C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 the BF2 directory (common: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2)
2. Right click anywhere in this folder and click New then Text Document.
3. Right click on the newly created file and rename it to bf2.bat, The file should then turn into a little cog. If it doesn't, you will need to uncheck the 'Hide extensions for known file types' option checked in Tools > Folder options > View.
4. Right click your newly created bf2.bat and click Edit.
5. Copy and paste the following into the notepad window that opens:
@echo off cd /d "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2" start /high BF2.exe +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 If you have renamed your file in Tip 3 then you will need to paste the following code (if you have changed the BF2.exe to something different than BF21.exe, edit the BF21.exe to your filename)
(@echo off cd /d "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2" start /high BF21.exe +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 Don't forget, if you installed BF2 to a different directory than C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 then adjust it accordingly.)
1. Save your changes and close the Notepad window.
2. Right click the new bf2.bat and click Send To -> Desktop (create shortcut)
3. Goto your desktop, and right click the new shortcut, then click properties.
4. Click on the "Change Icon" Button, and goto your game directory C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 and double click on your BF2.exe (or BF21.exe) This makes the shortcut have a real icon, not necessary, but makes it look way better.
5. Right click on the shortcut and rename it to "Battlefield 2" or whatever you want really.
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