I'm ready to take my copy back to target >/ I'm going to try it again tonight and see if my opinion changes. I hate that you have to hold down the right mouse to use sights, I didn't see an option to change it to stay on sites without holding it down. I hate that crouch stays crouched when not holding it. if only I could reverse crouch and gun sights. the malaria effects make me feel like I have malaria! (good job on that I guess) but fuck them for putting it in the game. and the in and out of car animations are annoying as hell, and the repair animations >/ I don't need that kind of realism in a shooter. if I wanted to drive cars I would get a damn driving game. they put alot of unnecessary fluff in this game.
I can get used to most of the control issues I have, but I want it to be more like BF2 controls >( at least cod4 gave you options to change the crouch and sights so they would stay on or not while letting go of the button. this just seems like GTA in the freaking Savannah. and I never got into GTA
if anyone in Minnesota wants to come to my shop I will sell it for $10 under retail. I cant be asked to package it up and mail it to someone. I should have read the reviews and such better since in hindsight I would have known it was not my type of game, but I was so ready for something new that I just went out and got it.
I can get used to most of the control issues I have, but I want it to be more like BF2 controls >( at least cod4 gave you options to change the crouch and sights so they would stay on or not while letting go of the button. this just seems like GTA in the freaking Savannah. and I never got into GTA
if anyone in Minnesota wants to come to my shop I will sell it for $10 under retail. I cant be asked to package it up and mail it to someone. I should have read the reviews and such better since in hindsight I would have known it was not my type of game, but I was so ready for something new that I just went out and got it.