So yesterday I receive an email from AVG with a new cd key for version 8. I bought 7 about a year ago and it's a three year pack, so I was expecting this eventually. So anyway, I set it up, install, way hey.
Now, my machine refuses to run AOL, therefor I cant get to one of my main email accounts. I can still get on firefox, ie etc, but just not aol. I checked the firewall settings and it is on the allow list.
Eventually, I said fuck it, and just turned the machine off last night and went to see the new bond that was previewing with my girlfriend. I got back this morning, () to find the machine still shutting down. Yes, 12 hours later.
Any thoughts? Never have got on well with anti virus programes, but I really need into that email address
The machine as a whole seems to be running consistently slower aswell since I put it in. Lot of stuttering in far cry 2 that just the other day I was running silky smooth.
Now, my machine refuses to run AOL, therefor I cant get to one of my main email accounts. I can still get on firefox, ie etc, but just not aol. I checked the firewall settings and it is on the allow list.
Eventually, I said fuck it, and just turned the machine off last night and went to see the new bond that was previewing with my girlfriend. I got back this morning, () to find the machine still shutting down. Yes, 12 hours later.
Any thoughts? Never have got on well with anti virus programes, but I really need into that email address
The machine as a whole seems to be running consistently slower aswell since I put it in. Lot of stuttering in far cry 2 that just the other day I was running silky smooth.