I gotta a problem while trying to manually update LINUX 64 punkbuster server files under linux Gentoox86_64 system. I have been tried every possible method - no luck. Since yesterdays night, server don't even want load pb into memory. Is there a method to update manually update Linux 64 battlefield 2 files via console ? I tried to update pb using this manual http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-bf2.php but it didn't help. Maybe you can provide guide (if there is any) how to solve this problem?
Thank you very very much
I gotta a problem while trying to manually update LINUX 64 punkbuster server files under linux Gentoox86_64 system. I have been tried every possible method - no luck. Since yesterdays night, server don't even want load pb into memory. Is there a method to update manually update Linux 64 battlefield 2 files via console ? I tried to update pb using this manual http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-bf2.php but it didn't help. Maybe you can provide guide (if there is any) how to solve this problem?
Thank you very very much