Nicholas Langdon wrote:
Yeah... its one of the sites I've been checking out as well as
www.techpowerup.comBut their results seem to contradict each other some times... maybe its tomshardware using fraps with it and techpowerup not that skews the results...
You got to remember that each benchmarking website uses a different baseline hardware setup to other benchmarking websites - you can not just quickly compare results from one website with results from another website and expect them to make sense.
What you can do, though, is on each
individual benchmarking site you can compare different sets of GPUs - the contribution to the benchmark score from the baseline hardware setup used by that website, where the same baseline is used across the scores being compared, is (roughly) the same for all compared scores.
By comparing scores from different websites you're comparing apples to oranges - but by comparing score on only one site, you're comparing varieties of apple or orange.
Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2008-11-06 01:01:27)