So today i realized i hate fps because of grenades.
1. Played bf2 for the first time in months, got killed 15 times in a round, at least 10 times by grenades, 5 times from claymores. Turned it off halfway through the round.
2. Turned on 2142 for the first time in like a year, died from only grenades and APM mines and a few times by a really good dude with a sniper rifle head shooting everything that moved. turned off after 10 mins.
3. Played COD4. Nadespam and martyrdom homo orgy. took me 5 mins to ragequit
4. Turned on CS:Source. Was blind half the time and could not walk down a hallway without 50 HE grenades taking me down to 5 health only to be finished off with a glock or mp5 every single fucking time. Turned off after 10 mins of staring at a white screen with that ringing sound.
5. Day of defeat, pummeled with rifle grenades everywhere i went. This one actually took me 20 mins to ragequit because i could see the smoke trails from the nades and avoid them, but got mad cuz ppl used them as primaries.
6. In desperation for a decent FPS game i shove in my 2003 MOH:AA disk. I connect to a server, grab a M1 Garand, and go into a building and look out a window, i sit there for about 20 seconds seeing nothing when a potato masher pops right up through the window and blows up in my face without even touching the floor. I don't think ive yelled so loud in my life. I slammed my fist on the keyboard and made like 10 keys pop off.
Guess it is human nature to be a lame ass, or im just fucking cursed.
Back to EVE with my spaceshipz loaz.
*Awaiting for /fail, adapt or die, noob, fagit, crybaby, dont play then, and other omgimafanboy responses*
1. Played bf2 for the first time in months, got killed 15 times in a round, at least 10 times by grenades, 5 times from claymores. Turned it off halfway through the round.
2. Turned on 2142 for the first time in like a year, died from only grenades and APM mines and a few times by a really good dude with a sniper rifle head shooting everything that moved. turned off after 10 mins.
3. Played COD4. Nadespam and martyrdom homo orgy. took me 5 mins to ragequit
4. Turned on CS:Source. Was blind half the time and could not walk down a hallway without 50 HE grenades taking me down to 5 health only to be finished off with a glock or mp5 every single fucking time. Turned off after 10 mins of staring at a white screen with that ringing sound.
5. Day of defeat, pummeled with rifle grenades everywhere i went. This one actually took me 20 mins to ragequit because i could see the smoke trails from the nades and avoid them, but got mad cuz ppl used them as primaries.
6. In desperation for a decent FPS game i shove in my 2003 MOH:AA disk. I connect to a server, grab a M1 Garand, and go into a building and look out a window, i sit there for about 20 seconds seeing nothing when a potato masher pops right up through the window and blows up in my face without even touching the floor. I don't think ive yelled so loud in my life. I slammed my fist on the keyboard and made like 10 keys pop off.
Guess it is human nature to be a lame ass, or im just fucking cursed.
Back to EVE with my spaceshipz loaz.
*Awaiting for /fail, adapt or die, noob, fagit, crybaby, dont play then, and other omgimafanboy responses*