
Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Atlas wrote:

Hehe, if you were a good heli pilot you would be happy to have a bad gunner, that's just more kills for you. I often like to not have a gunner at all, but then I am a good pilot and can take out anything with hellfire missiles. Sounds like you are trying to compensate for poor piloting skills by needing to have a great gunner in your chopper. Maybe you're the one who should stay out of the heli and let a real pilot do his thing.
The attack chopper is much more effective when the gunner is being set up for the kills. A good pilot would never be happy with a bad gunner because if you end up against another chopper with a good pilot and gunner you will be screwed regardless of your own talent. You sir are nothing more than a selfish moron with no concept of team play.
I agree with you Ajax, a good chopper pilot can go an entire round without dying and without a kill if he has a decent gunner with him.  On the other hand if it is an incompetent gunner, setting them up for the kill will more than likely get you killed.
Who are you to judge who can and can't get in the gunner seat? Or fly for that matter? Ohhh...sorry. Another GOD of BF2 whos owns it all. Alot of those I am seeing. Maybe you should let another pilot deal with that gunner. Or you gun and let him fly. But that will NEVER happen huh? Cause you are sooooooo uber. soooooooo bad azz. 

I had a run in with the likeness of you. He would deliberatly crash the chopper killing himself and me cause he wants to fly alone. I told him that sucks for him. So he sat there the whole round crashing the chopper. Sometimes I'd bail before, others we both died. Then I just put C4 on the side befor ehe spawned, let him have it and take off know the rest. Then I left the server. The sad thing is I haven't been back to that server since and it sucks that people like you make others not want to visit a legit server again through no fault of the admin.

YOUR heli....I'm still laughing. You may be able to start a Ronald McDonald house fund so you could buy one....oh wait....thats for "special" people and....well do apply. Sorry.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Who are you to judge who can and can't get in the gunner seat? Or fly for that matter? Ohhh...sorry. Another GOD of BF2 whos owns it all. Alot of those I am seeing. Maybe you should let another pilot deal with that gunner. Or you gun and let him fly. But that will NEVER happen huh? Cause you are sooooooo uber. soooooooo bad azz. 

I had a run in with the likeness of you. He would deliberatly crash the chopper killing himself and me cause he wants to fly alone. I told him that sucks for him. So he sat there the whole round crashing the chopper. Sometimes I'd bail before, others we both died. Then I just put C4 on the side befor ehe spawned, let him have it and take off know the rest. Then I left the server. The sad thing is I haven't been back to that server since and it sucks that people like you make others not want to visit a legit server again through no fault of the admin.

YOUR heli....I'm still laughing. You may be able to start a Ronald McDonald house fund so you could buy one....oh wait....thats for "special" people and....well do apply. Sorry.
Sorry, I'm no stat-dick-wagger, but judging by your stats you're not so hot in a heli yourself.

An 'UBer1337' pilot would kill off the gunner at the closest red zone, not crash the heli, so i don't think you were with a very good pilot indeed.

Much as I dislike the original's poster's idea of 'MY HELICOPTER', you need to recognize the pure frustration of getting a gunner that doesn't even realize a TV missile exists. Even while you're spamming on chat: JUST RIGHT CLICK AND FIRE. I personally make my gunners' lives easy, i try out all helis on SP to find out the PERFECT spot to line them up (so they just have to fire the TV missile STRAIGHT and not guide it), but getting a gunner that doesn't even know it exists is frustrating enough.
+39|7030|B O S T ON area
For the skilled pilots who wanna dump a gunner just go to the boundary and let them die due to punishment for leavin the field of battle!  Or he'll jump out, it can be done if u can hover motionless and keep yourself inbounds  

problem solved
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7080|Marathon, Florida Keys

docnutz wrote:

For the skilled pilots who wanna dump a gunner just go to the boundary and let them die due to punishment for leavin the field of battle!  Or he'll jump out, it can be done if u can hover motionless and keep yourself inbounds  

problem solved
or m95
+2,382|6949|The North, beyond the wall.

docnutz wrote:

For the skilled pilots who wanna dump a gunner just go to the boundary and let them die due to punishment for leavin the field of battle!  Or he'll jump out, it can be done if u can hover motionless and keep yourself inbounds  

problem solved
i hate your type.if you did that to me i would wait till you land and c4 the shit out of you.

jord wrote:

docnutz wrote:

For the skilled pilots who wanna dump a gunner just go to the boundary and let them die due to punishment for leavin the field of battle!  Or he'll jump out, it can be done if u can hover motionless and keep yourself inbounds  

problem solved
i hate your type.if you did that to me i would wait till you land and c4 the shit out of you.
I'm with you jord.  Those idiots who do that should be the ones kicked and banned from servers.  I found out about the tv missles on my 3rd day of playing the game, thanks to a friend who was flying.  I'm no expert with them but I know they are there and I try to use them when ever possible.  I got a helo hovering the other day with one.  Those guys were pissed at getting one shotted out of the air. 

The object of the game is to win and have fun.  Yes it sucks to lose.  Yes, it sucks to have a dopehead teammate who doesn't use the weapons to their fullest advantage.  But, they want to have fun too.  Try teaching them tactics nicely, instead of being an ass and causing them to get suicided. 

Oh wait, that will never happen, because your head is so far up your own ass you can't think past your own skills.
+8|7025|Ontario, Canada

DSRTurtle wrote:

I got a helo hovering the other day with one.  Those guys were pissed at getting one shotted out of the air. The object of the game is to win and have fun.  Yes it sucks to lose.  Yes, it sucks to have a dopehead teammate who doesn't use the weapons to their fullest advantage.  But, they want to have fun too.  Try teaching them tactics nicely, instead of being an ass and causing them to get suicided.
Keep practicing turtle, and that'll happen regularly.... then move up to jets....They get really pissed when a chopper takes them down...

Last edited by Dr0pped (2006-03-15 08:31:16)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

One shotted out of air eh?

Heli combat is one of the most exciting things now... With MG dogfighting gone to the dogs (no pun intended).

polarbearz wrote:

One shotted out of air eh?

Heli combat is one of the most exciting things now... With MG dogfighting gone to the dogs (no pun intended).
Yes from an unexpected direction too.    It's so much fun to see these "GODS of HELOS" whine about getting killed.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-03-15 18:21:31)

Its annoying when you get a gunner who doesn't use TV missiles, but it alse annoys me when people refuse to give you a chance as gunner and crash to get you out!!.
However If I see two guys waiting for the chopper, I'll let them take it, just how I would expect them to respect me if im waiting and not barge me out saying its theres!, then I will barge them out in future. simple.
soup fly mod

once i wanted to drive the tank and somebody else was in it.  that ever happen to anybody?

superfly_cox wrote:

once i wanted to drive the tank and somebody else was in it.  that ever happen to anybody?
yup. hopped on an atv and went to steal the other team's and it was gone! bastards. found it later and blew it up... then went over to their base again and lo and behold, a fat, juicy abrams spawned just for me. i was so excited that i fired on everything in sight, especially anyone that looked like they wanted to take me out of it as i left. to show my appreciation for such a gift, i put it to use for the last half of the round. unfortunately, the -=tg=- clan gets a bug up their asses for this type of behavior (calls it base camping or some bs), but thats a story for another day -_-;
when Hell is full...

superfly_cox wrote:

once i wanted to drive the tank and somebody else was in it.  that ever happen to anybody?
never -.-
Usque Ad Finem
is drunk and crazy
A good chopper gunner should get at least 50 kills IAR in my oppinion, having a guy that cant shoot for shit is really annoying.

I'm prepared to take a -4 for the team if it means my gunner (or myself) is going to get 50 kills or more, whats -4 when you can have +100.

It also helps the team a lot by taking away at least 50 tickets, taking out their attack chopper reduces the air power they have and a pilot who can fly well shoot and a gunner that can shoot are unstoppable.

I'll fly with a noob, if he's good, then good. if he sucks I'll politely let him know how to use the TV missile, if that doesnt work then I ask him not to fly with me again.
Doesn't read the Whole Thread
Everybodys got to learn at one point, I don't see how people cant understand that, even the most skilled of pilots sucked at one point, Give the "less experienced" amongst us a break!
It's people like the topic creator who make this game suck.

If a crappy gunner gets in a chopper give him some helpful tips and he could end up being a good asset. People need to practice before becoming good, so not allowing anyone who isn't already good into the choppers isn't going to help improve any of the crappy gunners.

Either learn to deal with the fact you have a bad gunner or just get out of the chopper. They paid for the game just like you did, they have the right to use any vehicle, regardless of how good of a player they are. As for the people who say "they should learn how to fly offline or in unranked servers!!" - why should they? Once again, they paid for the game, they have the right to join any server they want and use any vehicle they want.
Mod Incarnate

Gunslinger42 wrote:

It's people like the topic creator who make this game suck.

If a crappy gunner gets in a chopper give him some helpful tips and he could end up being a good asset. People need to practice before becoming good, so not allowing anyone who isn't already good into the choppers isn't going to help improve any of the crappy gunners.

Either learn to deal with the fact you have a bad gunner or just get out of the chopper. They paid for the game just like you did, they have the right to use any vehicle, regardless of how good of a player they are. As for the people who say "they should learn how to fly offline or in unranked servers!!" - why should they? Once again, they paid for the game, they have the right to join any server they want and use any vehicle they want.
I have no problem flying noobs around most of the time, but when a friend is with me I'd rather the noob did something else.

I also have serious issues when our team is down by a few dozen tickets, we've lost most of the control points and the noobs are still out on the helipad waiting for the spawn. Get a clue guys, a 64 player game with well matched teams is not the place to learn. But I also realize that everyone got their start somewhere, and even I was once a complete noob. (I still remember asking one of my first pilots how he was hovering, like if there was a special key to press).
Dropped on request

Gunslinger42 wrote:

It's people like the topic creator who make this game suck.

As for the people who say "they should learn how to fly offline or in unranked servers!!" - why should they? Once again, they paid for the game, they have the right to join any server they want and use any vehicle they want.
I believe that phrase is used not to people who are not as skilled but to people who don't know how to fly without crashing or those who can't maintain control of it. Also you can do decent practice with the tv missle offline. Find an empty server. Park the chopper on the edge of a carrier and work on redirecting it.
I always gun - I can not fly the helicopter and the best pilot I ever flew with was Merdoc420. In two games died only once. That was my personal best in the helicopter. I think it is important to point out that apart from bad gunners there are bad pilots. My frustration with bad pilots is endless and it seems that the only 70% certain way to avoid it is to fly with people that are at least 1st Sgt or better. Of course, you have to risk sometimes and get in with lower ranks but at least a Sgt...

I do bail out of heli if I see that two clanmates want to get in, but before that I look at the scores of theirs....
What sucks is I have to get another 350+ hours in a helicopter with 24 kills to get the expert Helo badge.  Most of my helo time lately is in the blackhawk.  I've found it easier just to grab a tank and kick some ass with it rather than fight for a helo which I'm ok as a gunner, but suck as a pilot.  I can't hover any of them, but I can fly a blackhawk or the PLA/MEC bus in a fire support role ok.
Dropped on request

1234BGD wrote:

I always gun - I can not fly the helicopter and the best pilot I ever flew with was Merdoc420. In two games died only once. That was my personal best in the helicopter. I think it is important to point out that apart from bad gunners there are bad pilots. My frustration with bad pilots is endless and it seems that the only 70% certain way to avoid it is to fly with people that are at least 1st Sgt or better. Of course, you have to risk sometimes and get in with lower ranks but at least a Sgt...

I do bail out of heli if I see that two clanmates want to get in, but before that I look at the scores of theirs....
LOL. I'm gonna have to let him know that he's famous.
Some lamer pilot was moaning at me cos I missed a couple of shots with the TV missile so he decided to fly to the edge of the map to try and kill me that way but a J10 blew us both out the air . I went spec ops and spawned near the chopper and much to his dismay i was his gunner again (before I got in I put some c4 on the side). So instead of going off to the battle he went to the edge of the map again to try to kill me.

What amased me was we were the only two people going for the cobra, it was me or no gunner.....Anyway at the edge of the map the my health starts to drop I said "you kill me I'll kill you" "yeah whatever you can't hit shit n00b" was his reply "take a look at the side of your chopper fucktard" I bailed and switched to my detonator and blew him up
Well i get pissed so much when my gunner cant freakin gun. Sometimes i get in with guys that only shoot TV's, when infantry running around. I have over 50 hours of flying choppers, so i would say i am ok. The only problem i have is with TV missles I have seen guys taken out MEC heli in Sharqi almost from TV station. . How can you shoot TV missle without even seeying what are you shooting at, from far away?.
Thx for the help in advance.

dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now
You must be one of those shitheaded arsewipes who think they are better than others. Not just in game...

Well, try this :

1. look at the mirror
2. Do you see yellowish white or brown in your eyes ?
3. In both cases, contact your doctor...nah, I'll tell you what you saw.
- If it was brown, don't worry. The shit will come out when you get older.
- If it was yellowish white, don't worry. It's just urea. You should visit toilet more often. Piss will come out some day too.

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