What seriously bad ones have they done? Why were they bad?mikkel wrote:
Palit don't really have the greatest of reputations. They've made some okay cards, but they've had a few seriously bad ones as well. That, and the frog really is pretty gay.Dauntless wrote:
I would buy the Palit right now if:
A) I had heard of Palit before
B) It had an S-Video port (I use it sometimes), for some reason it was replaced with a Display Port.
http://www.techpowerup.com/img/08-08-20 … alslot.jpg
C) The "mascot" or whatever you call it wasn't the gayestlooking frog I've ever seen in my life
http://images.tweaktown.com/imagebank/n … a_full.png
Just as I thought I had my desicion made I hear this, I thought the brand didn't matter?