Zing!Miggle wrote:
The game costs $10 more...jord wrote:
The game costs pretty much the sameThe graphics aren't stunning no matter what, but the PC can get higher AA/AF and resolutions.jord wrote:
the graphics are stunning on HD,yeah, because holding a button to aim is so much easier than just aiming.jord wrote:
and FPS with a controller is fine(Did you never play goldeneye?)
Goldeneye was fun, but the controls were absolute shit.That's not really much of a statistic, and consoles aren't perfect either. The 360 is widely accepted as unreliable (yes poseidon, I know yours hasn't broken yet) and the PS3 has freezing problems.jord wrote:
Plus console games 99.9% of the time work right out of the box with no stupid PC shit.
So yeah, Isn't it fair to prefer a better looking game, with the controller it was designed for, for $10 less, with a slight chance of PB problems. Instead of getting a worse looking game, $10 more, on a controller that's only really good at fighting and sports games, with a slight chance of having to ship your console off to Microsoft/Sony for them to fix it?
I am so with you on this one Miggle.