Anyway, the error messages have been different alot, RAM I initially taught, but after running Memtest86 all came up clear.
So, after a bsod that just happened the error message was something like "Crucial threading" or something didn't have the camera at this time to take a picture.
After these Bsods, the computer refuses to turn on the first couple of times, it will post but wont go further than that. This is the first time I got this screen from any of the bsods after a restart, I'm now wondering, is my motherboard the problem? was my OC attempts it's downfall? But I need to make sure it's the motherboard first. I can't change my mobo or any other parts as I have none spare.
If the motherboard is the problem, I will change it for a P5Q pro and change my PSU aswell for a modular one.
Also, found a Bsod pic I had on my phone.
Karma for help, specs in Sig!