Hai, so i got an ipod today and now i'm thinking about getting my library of downloaded films/tv shows onto it. It doesn't seem to want to copy onto the ipod in the current format, so i'm looking for a convertor program.
Most of my films are .avi with DivX encoded video, however a few are .mkv and a few are .mp4. So if you know of a convertor that specialies in those formats, please let me know.
1) must not be shit
2) doesn't have to be free
karmaz to good suggestions.
Most of my films are .avi with DivX encoded video, however a few are .mkv and a few are .mp4. So if you know of a convertor that specialies in those formats, please let me know.
1) must not be shit
2) doesn't have to be free
karmaz to good suggestions.