So I've been thinking about adding some water cooling to my PC, and thought it would be fun to find a cheap way to do it, while being able to customise it to my liking. Also it would be fun to make. I read this article: … atercool/1
My question is, Has anyone here tried anything like this, and do you have any helpful suggestions?
EDIT: So far the plan in my head is (using my Thermaltake Armor case):
-Mount the radiators (car heater cores, I want to use 2, each with 2 120mm fans) on the right hand side (outside) of the case
-depending on the pump I find, mount the pump on the outside too, or maybe inside under the drive bays.
-send the flow: pump - primary radiator - T-line / Reservoir - Secondary radiator - Cpu block - pump
-later ( once I upgrade gpu and get cooling blocks for it ) I would like to set it up like this
- Pump - Primary radiator - Cpu - Chipset - T-line / Reservoir - Secondary radiator - Gpu/ Gpu's- Pump
any suggestions on that order? I'm putting the T-line between the radiators because I want to mount them inlet/outlet up, and it recommends you put this up top for filling/ bleeding purposes. … atercool/1
My question is, Has anyone here tried anything like this, and do you have any helpful suggestions?
EDIT: So far the plan in my head is (using my Thermaltake Armor case):
-Mount the radiators (car heater cores, I want to use 2, each with 2 120mm fans) on the right hand side (outside) of the case
-depending on the pump I find, mount the pump on the outside too, or maybe inside under the drive bays.
-send the flow: pump - primary radiator - T-line / Reservoir - Secondary radiator - Cpu block - pump
-later ( once I upgrade gpu and get cooling blocks for it ) I would like to set it up like this
- Pump - Primary radiator - Cpu - Chipset - T-line / Reservoir - Secondary radiator - Gpu/ Gpu's- Pump
any suggestions on that order? I'm putting the T-line between the radiators because I want to mount them inlet/outlet up, and it recommends you put this up top for filling/ bleeding purposes.
Last edited by Nic (2009-03-08 17:07:44)