For a while now I've had this hidden 'Cookies' folder on my desktop with an 'index.dat' file inside it.
I've tried everything I can think of to delete that .dat file but I just can't get rid of it.
I'm 100% sure that my browser doesn't save it's cookies on my desktop.
So far I've:
Tried Safemode
Tried ending the process that was using it (I can't find the procces anymore strangely)
Tried using "MoveOnBoot"
Tried using "Unlocker"
Tried using 10 different programs
etc etc
The file is still on my desktop.
I've tried everything I can think of to delete that .dat file but I just can't get rid of it.
I'm 100% sure that my browser doesn't save it's cookies on my desktop.
So far I've:
Tried Safemode
Tried ending the process that was using it (I can't find the procces anymore strangely)
Tried using "MoveOnBoot"
Tried using "Unlocker"
Tried using 10 different programs
etc etc
The file is still on my desktop.