negative ...... no way man ......

[R.D]ProblemsSolver wrote:

Well i get pissed so much when my gunner cant freakin gun. Sometimes i get in with guys that only shoot TV's, when infantry running around. I have over 50 hours of flying choppers, so i would say i am ok. The only problem i have is with TV missles I have seen guys taken out MEC heli in Sharqi almost from TV station. . How can you shoot TV missle without even seeying what are you shooting at, from far away?.
Thx for the help in advance.
Lol thats easy. Get a choper and shot down the enemy, then you have 30 sec to rape around and do shit. After you siply know its there, so you press Alt to todge your 3D map, get to 400M mark and point your gunner towards the enemy choper spawn. He fires and BOOM ! 2 nice kills, then you have 30 sec to rape again. The thing is that your gunner shouldn't be an imbicile... Thats why i only fly whit my clanm8s. 80% of noobs simply look at the nice white fog, till the moment they see TV coming from the whiteness...

Thats why i agree whit the statment. If you are a noob GET THE FUCK OFF MY HELI !
I'd like to introduce the other side of this "coin." I wont admit I am a godly pilot, but I can hold my with some skilled players. What I can do quite well is gun. What pisses ME off is when i hop in at press F2 (the gunner's charis), some noob flies, and couldnt stay steady to save his  life! I flew with him around 7 times that round, and only twice were we shot down - the rest involved us hitting damn trees! Most aggravating....
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin
I hate it when idiots, just use tvguided missiles for choppers and mgs for tanks,apcs, and aa, bunch of fricken idiots.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Leroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins!
+8|7068|Ontario, Canada

War Man wrote:

I hate it when idiots, just use tvguided missiles for choppers and mgs for tanks,apcs, and aa, bunch of fricken idiots.
I think everyone would agree that using machine guns against armoured vehicles is generally regarded as insanity  - all you  do is announce your presence so they can shoot you down.

I'm not sure if you are complaining about them using TV's on Choppers though - hard to tell by the way it is written. TV missiles against an enemy chopper are just SO effective...

Last edited by Dr0pped (2006-03-27 11:34:49)

So you press ALT to see from far away in helO?
yea i think weve all been there.....just laugh it off, or kill small animals or something to make urself feel better..
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

[R.D]ProblemsSolver wrote:

So you press ALT to see from far away in helO?
LEFT ALT turns off/on the '3D' feature. Distance to flags, supply crates, commander/squadleader instructions and teammate locations.

RIGHT ALT is unbound by default, if I am not mistaken.

To whoever mentioned white haze and 400m. SOOOOOO many gunners need visual before they fire GRRRRR.
Sharqi, Dragon are notorious for the haze. Really helps to have a 'spotter' tell you when the heli spawns or for armor/apc.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
Dropped on request

War Man wrote:

I hate it when idiots, just use tvguided missiles for choppers and mgs for tanks,apcs, and aa, bunch of fricken idiots.
The Mec gun can actually do quite a bit of damage to APC's. The other guns can also hurt them somewhat. Not a bad idea to use it if you miss a tv shot.
+2|7055|United Kingdom
I agree with ya, OP.

There is nothing more annoying than floating about on Sharqi being as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop because your gunner doesn't know which button is the trigger. If noobs want to fly/gun, go into an Unranked server, or single player and *gasp* PRACTICE! So your not a complete incompetent retard that pisses everyone off. The amount of times I've been hovering in the perfect place for the gunner, even a noob, to fire a straight line TV at a tank, and instead he's firing the cannon single-shot at a wall!!!  Or been TK'd by someone so desperate to be in a Helo....then watch them flip it on takeoff...

It's almost as bad, almost, as Tank drivers who are too dumb to look at the radar, to see that UAV the nice Commander has put over them and fail to see that red dot running towards his side....look the other way, and shoot a wall. Or a friendly vehicle. Or just sit their like an idiot humming 'I ate special flakes this morning'.

My Message to Noobs Like That: If you've never gotten in that type of vehicle before, and your on a Ranked Server, GET OUT. And let someone competent get in. OR, move to the opposite team from me. So I can take advantage of your incompetence and gain easy kills.

I seem to have gone off on one...oh well.
+44|7040|West Berlin!
I hate those n00bs that get into "my" chopper when I´m havin some fun with my clanmates on my fucking own clan server...I understand that is not my chopper, but show some respect to the skilled ones and go play infantry until you have SKILL and know how to use the TV-Missiles,etc... And if u notice that two guys are playing the whole time with the chopper let them fly it and GET OUT.

So...if you´re a n00b don´t enter the chopper...NEVER
+44|7040|West Berlin!
I hate those n00bs that get into "my" chopper when I´m havin some fun with my clanmates on my fucking own clan server...I understand that is not my chopper, but show some respect to the skilled ones and go play infantry until you have SKILL and know how to use the TV-Missiles,etc... And if u notice that two guys are playing the whole time with the chopper let them fly it and GET OUT.

So...if you´re a n00b don´t enter the chopper...NEVER

Stubbee wrote:

[R.D]ProblemsSolver wrote:

So you press ALT to see from far away in helO?
LEFT ALT turns off/on the '3D' feature. Distance to flags, supply crates, commander/squadleader instructions and teammate locations.

RIGHT ALT is unbound by default, if I am not mistaken.

To whoever mentioned white haze and 400m. SOOOOOO many gunners need visual before they fire GRRRRR.
Sharqi, Dragon are notorious for the haze. Really helps to have a 'spotter' tell you when the heli spawns or for armor/apc.
Thats why i allways take fly whit my clan gunner, we have Ventrilo and we both know what to do. I just simply get to 400M mark and point the nose towards the place where helo is. Thats it, then i see TV flying off. few secs later i get 2 driver ability assists. Easy.... Just need to have a realy good gunner. And thats why i never fly whit other people, they are not worth the efort i give to prepare the perfect shot. Damn after reading all this shit i decided to be good and picked up a noob to gun abit. Affer 2 mins i started to wander... maybe he is blind or smth...
when Hell is full...
get the fuck out of my chopper!
Usque Ad Finem
Well whenever i fly, i dont really expect my gunner to do really crazy TV missle shots. When i hover over i tank i expect him to kill it, or to kill helo with tv if it is landing at TV station. I just need an everage gunner that knows what he is doing.  Once i flew with the guy, and his clanmates were in US helo, so i set him up for  TV and write him shoot. He responds" dont shoot them they are from my freakin clan mates noob" I am like WTF, then after about two minutes his clanmates shoot us down and start shooting TV's  on our MEC heli. 
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

[R.D]ProblemsSolver wrote:

Well whenever i fly, i dont really expect my gunner to do really crazy TV missle shots. When i hover over i tank i expect him to kill it, or to kill helo with tv if it is landing at TV station. I just need an everage gunner that knows what he is doing.  Once i flew with the guy, and his clanmates were in US helo, so i set him up for  TV and write him shoot. He responds" dont shoot them they are from my freakin clan mates noob" I am like WTF, then after about two minutes his clanmates shoot us down and start shooting TV's  on our MEC heli. 
Lol best clan ever!Dont they are my clanmates,wow that is so funny.
I know. There was also a guy once. It was on Karkand, i killed him like 4 or five times in a row he was in a tank saw as I. Then he says to me do you want to tank whore infantry? I am like what is that? He says it is like we dont shoot each other tanks, you just drive around shooting infantry. I am like no dude, the next thing is i am banned from the server for not listening to admins or something^_^
Lol, we get banned once in a day in diferent servers, the thing is that if you rape admins to much and they cant do a shit about it, they simply ban you. Once had 7 guys in 1 min baned for TK. When a "clan" has a "good" server and get owned by some one ealse, they think hmmm its not rigth so BAN ! The more we get banned the more it makes as LOL and just proves that we are better then they are.

-=Meshekal=- wrote:

I agree with ya, OP.

There is nothing more annoying than floating about on Sharqi being as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop because your gunner doesn't know which button is the trigger. If noobs want to fly/gun, go into an Unranked server, or single player and *gasp* PRACTICE! So your not a complete incompetent retard that pisses everyone off. The amount of times I've been hovering in the perfect place for the gunner, even a noob, to fire a straight line TV at a tank, and instead he's firing the cannon single-shot at a wall!!!  Or been TK'd by someone so desperate to be in a Helo....then watch them flip it on takeoff...

It's almost as bad, almost, as Tank drivers who are too dumb to look at the radar, to see that UAV the nice Commander has put over them and fail to see that red dot running towards his side....look the other way, and shoot a wall. Or a friendly vehicle. Or just sit their like an idiot humming 'I ate special flakes this morning'.

My Message to Noobs Like That: If you've never gotten in that type of vehicle before, and your on a Ranked Server, GET OUT. And let someone competent get in. OR, move to the opposite team from me. So I can take advantage of your incompetence and gain easy kills.

I seem to have gone off on one...oh well.
A bit off topic, but I love your sig, Cmabrdige resacrh was qitue enlihgetning!!!

n00b.Worx wrote:

I hate those n00bs that get into "my" chopper when I´m havin some fun with my clanmates on my fucking own clan server...I understand that is not my chopper, but show some respect to the skilled ones and go play infantry until you have SKILL and know how to use the TV-Missiles,etc... And if u notice that two guys are playing the whole time with the chopper let them fly it and GET OUT.

So...if you´re a n00b don´t enter the chopper...NEVER
Continuing my never ending crusade to bring sanity to the intraweb, I re-present the following post from 5 pages back in this thread:

#1. Ask the gunner to get on voice with you (create a squad called "heli" or "chopper")

#2. Talk him through it.

#3. After one round, the gunner will no longer be a beginner. He/She should be able to line up a target, know when to use TV and when to use a gun, and communicate with the pilot. People make out gunning like it is a magical skill that your fairy godmother needs to bestow on you. It just takes one bloody round with a good teacher to be average.

Oh, and to all the people that think they "own" any piece of equipment on a public server.. take a look at the phrase "public server". Do you see that first word..good. Now look it up in a dictionary. Hold on I will get the definition for you, the book might be too heavy for you:

Public: not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"

So, by definition the server is open to everyone. Now remember that comment you got on your report card in kindergarden? The one that said "Does not play well with others"? Well now is your chance to make up for past mistakes. Take turns and learn how to share. Until then you sound like a 4 year old screaming that someone is playing with YOUR (insert blocks/playdoh/fingerpaint/chopper/tank) .

Class dismissed

P.S. Oh and to the following retorts:

"The team would be better off with the best players in the chopper."

Wait, this is a public server. People were worried about the team and winning the map on a public server? What is the I.P.? I want to go to that magical land where the trees have gumdrops and the rivers flow with whiskey.

"But I was there first"

If you want to play the "race to the car to claim front seat game" then you have to realise the gunner got their 2nd, and it is his right to gun then.

"But I don't want to waste my time with this n00b in the gun seat"

Solution: Go get your own damn server.
when Hell is full...

KurtisMayfield wrote:

Solution: Go get your own damn server.
lotta players will come here and whine about their 23523 kick! :>
Usque Ad Finem

TeK||drake666 wrote:

KurtisMayfield wrote:

Solution: Go get your own damn server.
lotta players will come here and whine about their 23523 kick! :>
Tell them to go get 25 of their friends to pay $10 a month and get their own damn server then.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6987|Canada Eh?
Forget choppers! The thing that's really been getting my goat recently is, whilst playing as a medic, every time I hop out of my vehicle to revive someone, it gets stolen from me. So if you need reviving and I'm in a vehicle, don't expect me to do it!

Last edited by Herbmaster007 (2006-03-30 08:04:50)

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