So right now I have a fairly old, fairly shit 2.1 logitech sound system. I'm at college so due to space limitations.. I can really only get a 2.0 or 2.1 system. I was looking on newegg and came across these two: … 6836121122 $130 … 6836121015 $244
After further prowling I found the second set up for 79 bucks from tigerdirect (vs the 244 price tag on newegg). I had my mind pretty much made up until I found the M-audio AV40s... then shit got more difficult. I started looking at the rokit KRK series and everything started getting waaay too expensive. The speakers will be used for movies, music and games. After reading some reviews it looks like m-audio is the way to go, they sound like they are great speakers, they don't need a sub and I've found them for as low as ~$130 shipped. Is there something else that I should consider or is this the way to go? … 6836121122 $130 … 6836121015 $244
After further prowling I found the second set up for 79 bucks from tigerdirect (vs the 244 price tag on newegg). I had my mind pretty much made up until I found the M-audio AV40s... then shit got more difficult. I started looking at the rokit KRK series and everything started getting waaay too expensive. The speakers will be used for movies, music and games. After reading some reviews it looks like m-audio is the way to go, they sound like they are great speakers, they don't need a sub and I've found them for as low as ~$130 shipped. Is there something else that I should consider or is this the way to go?