Fantasma Parastasie
What is so bad about being able to shoot accurately after proning? Why do people want to remove it? Hasn't the damn game been nerfed enough already? … ing-9.html

It seems the idiots are now rallying to remove any form of fast, accurate shooting from BF2
+3,611|6934|London, England

Lucien wrote:

What is so bad about being able to shoot accurately after proning? Why do people want to remove it? Hasn't the damn game been nerfed enough already? … ing-9.html

It seems the idiots are now rallying to remove any form of fast, accurate shooting from BF2
Because getting instant accuracy after going prone is stupid
Fantasma Parastasie

Mekstizzle wrote:

Because getting instant accuracy after going prone is stupid
"It's not realistic enough, let's make it realistic and break the game!"

So how about the fact you can't hit anything while standing or crouching? You're just going to leave that as it is, and then also make proning a bad choice?

Think about the fucking consequences of your nerfs before you peddle them. Going prone to shoot someone is the cornerstone of BF2 infantry fights. Removing it is like making someone stand still for 2 seconds before they can shoot in Quake.
go play projcet reality fgts, stop breaking mauh bf2 with teh nerfz!!1!

Last edited by TehMyke (2009-04-22 15:19:48)

» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
1.5 sucks
+11|5797|locked in myke's basement

TehMyke wrote:

go play bf heroes n00bs, stop breaking mauh bf2 with teh nerfz!!1!
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

I wrote:

I've been trying to ignore all the hype of the upcoming patch/patch currently in beta due to exams coming up in June. However, I feel that the wishes of the active players have been ignored, and I feel the need to post this thread in their defense.

I've seen many similar threads, but they seem to be made by amateur gamers who have not really got to grips on how this great game should be played. The guys that I am talking about are the guys requesting AA to be more powerful, longer delays on prone and fixes on such issues like bunny hopping. These are minor issues, that can be dealt with by simple adaptions, using your common sense, and of course - a decent handi-coordination. There is NO need for the following 'fixes':

Improved AA, including IGLA, Stinger, USS Essex & Mobile AA. All AA in BF2 is currently completely balanced compared with the air vehicles themselves. There is no reason why a jet on ANY map should dominate if the other team use their common sense... There are numerous IGLA/Stinger planted around all airmaps for a reason, if used correctly they can dominate any aircrew. Stop whining and start using your brain. This in mind, the more skilled players can take down enemy aircraft with Anti-Tank missiles, tank shells & TV-Missiles. It can be done, stop whining and start practicing and perhaps you, someday can recieve the wondeful relief that one feels as he 'rolls' some chopper/jet with a kit/vehicle not originally suited to deal with enemy aircraft.

Hand held AA kit, I've seen this mentioned in numerous other threads/forums, it's a bad idea and would render ALL aircraft useless.

Teamwork points imbalance, I've also seen this mentioned in other threads/forums. The majority of players complain that the Spec-Ops kit & Engineer kit does'nt recieve enough points for the roles they partake in (destroying enemy assits/repairing team vehicles ect...). At this stage, I really doubt the players who play for the right reasons care about what points they recieve while playing these kits. These kits should be used when in a specified vehcile that requires player to be equipped with C4/Wrench ect... Not throughout an entire round. Medics should recieve the most amount of teamwork points as they contribute most to a team (closely followed by Anti-Tank) and it should stay that way.

Prone delays, I really don't see the point in making an already slow/laggy game slower. If anything, the game should be made quicker and more 'arcade like'. Prone delays need to be set back to the original '0.3'. Every player can do it, it's not like some players have an advantage over others. It's not lame, its a method of moving quickly and shooting accuratly. If the enemy player has any idea he will roll all over the proned player, adapt... use your brain, not the ingame chat - "U R LIEK NUB OMFG BUNNY NUB, LRN2PLAY BF2..."

There are some issues that need to be attended to, clearly, and need to be done right. I could name 100 players off the top of my head that could tell you (EA/Dice) exactly what to change to give this game the potential it has. It's clear the programmers are listening to the wrong people.

I've come here before and listed off numerous issues that need addressing, I spent hours making the post, and put alot of thought into it. I recieved no reply from any EA/Dice representitive, which is probably why this great game, that we all love to hate, gets worse with every patch.

Kind regards ~ Irishpride - Over 3,500 played hours including public & competitive.

Youtube - YouTube - irishpride2's Channel
ESL - ESL: Irishpride - Player - Europe - Electronic Sports League - The eSports Gaming League
Team - TeamrushEU - Pro Multiplayer Gaming

Xfire: oisin3331
- … dream.html

Last edited by Oisín | Irishpride (2009-04-22 15:24:22)

1.5 sucks
+11|5797|locked in myke's basement
formulating reply now lolz

so far:

Yeah, I agree on most of that.

Things that do not need nerfing:
Nades, Clays, J10, Attack Helis,

Things that do not need to be made more powerful:
AA, Essex, F35,

Things that definitely need fixing:
Rod Foxx
+78|6297|Perth, Australia
I always found it hilarious when people whinge about bunny hoppers and dolphin divers. Having done both at various times playing bf2 i've come to the conclusion that medium-good players will rape you hard and nubs will cry.

This new delay is totally pointless though. I really can't see what purpose it serves and i really hope it's removed for the final.

Also i don't get why people whinge about air domination. I hate being raped by air vehicles so i avoid stages where it is likely to occur. Most of the people wanting the nerfs probably spend their time on wake getting pwnt by the jets. Play more jalalabad, songhua, mashtuur or even karkand (although that last one just leads to the nade nerfs) if you want to avoid air domination. Sharqi is fine most of the time and i rarely have any issues with air dom in dalian or dragon valley. That or just go the whole hog and play io.

Something i find odd though is the lack of cries for a g36e nerf. Not saying it should be nerfed but in all the time i've been playing this game almost everyone has whinged about it. Thought there would be more complaints is all.
back to i-life

As I see so far, this patch wont be a reason for comeback to oldschool players, but a reason to quit for those who hasnt done it yet... pitty, it was great game and now they are going to cut off any good it had left.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Because with BF2 being so hitreg based the game falls flat when both players instaprone and shoot each other

it becomes about reg every time and not about aim skill or movement, boring to play and worse to watch.

If my teammates baited me every time by proning and dying in the street I'd rage
Be Eazy!

TehMyke wrote:

go play projcet reality fgts, stop breaking mauh bf2 with teh nerfz!!1!
I look up to this man haha true that!
Ei Em
Hah, Irishpride, that is some deep excrement you're throwing in there.

Ah, good ol' AA. First; AA is not fine. It has too short range, its lock time is too long, it's target for C4, AT, ATM, LGM and TV's and movement is crappy. And now we're talking about that mighty mover - not those stationary ones. Gunning an AA with jet while it prepares to lock is easy. TVing AA is easy because TV range is longer - and even if one happens to be under AA range, while buzzing in that flying coconut, has to be quite lousy for not being able to TV that AA before it can lock through flares. Now AA could be somewhat better if its "cannons" would deal at least some damage - but no-fuckin'-o. Even FAV is better against choppas.

I wouldn't mind if everyone mounted AA in Gulf of Oman, for example, but you ought to think that they're quite easy targets for every groundpounder and air trooper (at least if teams are even bit balanced) and, as everyone knows, having 3 kills, two negative points, (because your stinger missile happened to hit your own teammate jet eventhough it was totally elsewhere) 12 deaths and total of 4 points per round is so fun and cool. And all this because AA is just fine. So give me a break Irish, I have played with you and rarely I see you getting dropped by an AA.

On side note, I found few servers where fly-boys got either no points for killing (only affects in tickets) or only one point for kill and suddenly it seemed people didn't want to fly that much. Strange I say.

AA is not without a reason most unused vehicle in this game.

Other than that, Irish, nothing wrong.

AA is just crap, at the moment, against good fly boys.

But as Legionair said, Ol'school won't come back but those who haven't left yet will do it now. Especially if people introduce more "rape" content.

(It might have huge amount of typos and such here. Ignore them.)
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

Mekstizzle wrote:

Lucien wrote:

What is so bad about being able to shoot accurately after proning? Why do people want to remove it? Hasn't the damn game been nerfed enough already? … ing-9.html

It seems the idiots are now rallying to remove any form of fast, accurate shooting from BF2
Because getting instant accuracy after going prone is stupid
Spawning every 15 seconds in predesignated spots is stupid.
Jets being able to rearm by just flying over an airfield is stupid.
Support players being able to resupply tanks/choppers/planes and all other things is stupid.
Being bale to bring pretty much anyone back to life with some shock paddles is stupid.
Being able to fully heal by just running over a 'medpack' is stupid.
Not dieing by being shot by a .50 cal sniper rife is stupid.
Having unlimited parachutes and being able to deploy them from 6 feet jumps is stupid.

The Whole fucking game is stupid. But thats also what make it fun, balanced and enjoyable.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Ei Em wrote:

AA rant
AA is fine...I dont have a 7KDR from over 70hours in AA from playing OSS, ORR and Daqing for no reason. And no, I dont rape GT for that. Yes, statsrlife, however, its a damn good indication.

You need tactics, you need cover, and you need to be sneaky. Cover is absolute key, because if a jet is coming at you and you move behind that huge Oil Cistern...guess what, he can no longer see you and you can put 2-3 up his tailpipe with ease. Sitting in the open waiting for the enemy heli/jet just doesn't work. You need to be entirely focussed on the air, for incoming jets and/or helis by spinning your turret like its on steroids to keep an eye out. Dont lock onto a heli as soon as it is in range, let it get closer (if it doesnt go directly for you, that is). You should be able to, often enough, take out a jet who is aiming straight at you by the time its about to drop its bombs. If you are good enough, enemy jets will focus on you in your Mobile AA and nothing else: because you are by far the biggest threat to them.
Bomber jets can be a huge problem due to the LGM, but, again, cover is the key. AA has the highest learning curve for ground-based vehicles, perhaps even including infantry, which is its biggest problem.

However, I agree with stationary AA, because it is utter shite.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Snake wrote:

Ei Em wrote:

AA rant
AA is fine...I dont have a 7KDR from over 70hours in AA from playing OSS, ORR and Daqing for no reason. And no, I dont rape GT for that. Yes, statsrlife, however, its a damn good indication.

You need tactics, you need cover, and you need to be sneaky. Cover is absolute key, because if a jet is coming at you and you move behind that huge Oil Cistern...guess what, he can no longer see you and you can put 2-3 up his tailpipe with ease. Sitting in the open waiting for the enemy heli/jet just doesn't work. You need to be entirely focussed on the air, for incoming jets and/or helis by spinning your turret like its on steroids to keep an eye out. Dont lock onto a heli as soon as it is in range, let it get closer (if it doesnt go directly for you, that is). You should be able to, often enough, take out a jet who is aiming straight at you by the time its about to drop its bombs. If you are good enough, enemy jets will focus on you in your Mobile AA and nothing else: because you are by far the biggest threat to them.
Bomber jets can be a huge problem due to the LGM, but, again, cover is the key. AA has the highest learning curve for ground-based vehicles, perhaps even including infantry, which is its biggest problem.

However, I agree with stationary AA, because it is utter shite.
The problem with stationary AA is that it shows up in the HUD in bombing mode.
The problem with mobile AA is that an FAV .50cal will kill an aircraft/helo faster then a mobile AA using its gun. Considering RoF and size and type of round that just doesn't make sense.
The problem with the Essex is that the lock on distance is too short OR lock on takes to long. I think any aircraft approaching a carrier should leave trailing black smoke at a minimum.

Using mobile is an art. Most noobs crying about jets are NOT watching the skies like they should be. If you get killed by a jet without firing a shot then YOU the player are not doing your job. Mobile AA is not a taxi or a flag capping vehicle. It is a support vehicle capable of ruining the enemy airforce's day if you use it right.
The problem with all
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
back to i-life

And dont forget to be support guy when in mobile AA because most of the time commander will be an idiot and wont drop you supplies to refill
Fantasma Parastasie
Gee, how about you make your own fucking thread if you want to discuss something completely unrelated?
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Lucien i love you
Lookin' through your Window
+193|6553|Man Diego

TehMyke wrote:

go play projcet reality fgts, stop breaking mauh bf2 with teh nerfz!!1!
+783|7157|Reykjavík, Iceland.

TehMyke wrote:

go play projcet reality fgts, stop breaking mauh bf2 with teh nerfz!!1!
I think I'll do exactly that.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

I agree with the Essex' Phalanx CIWS being way too underpowered.
IRL, that thing is a fully-automated, radar controlled monster spitting tungsten ammunition over many kilometers at rate of 3000^-1.
It was designed to take down incoming anti-ship missiles, which go a bit faster than a jet.
So, anything approaching a ship with a Phalanx installed would be hitting a curtain of tungsten.

In BF2 the proportions definitely are not right. Caliber .50 guns or even light MGs do more damage to aircraft.
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

globefish23 wrote:

I agree with the Essex' Phalanx CIWS being way too underpowered.
IRL, that thing is a fully-automated, radar controlled monster spitting tungsten ammunition over many kilometers at rate of 3000^-1.
It was designed to take down incoming anti-ship missiles, which go a bit faster than a jet.
So, anything approaching a ship with a Phalanx installed would be hitting a curtain of tungsten.

In BF2 the proportions definitely are not right. Caliber .50 guns or even light MGs do more damage to aircraft.
Jesus some of you are retarded.

The USS Essex can rip a jet apart in less than 2 seconds.

Aim, eh?
Be Eazy!
Hell yea it can! All aa's are fine.
Ei Em

Snake wrote:

AA is already über-pwner.
If it makes you feel any better to know that my total time in the AA (including all of my mass amount of accounts) is 342:21:14 (eventhough my "main" account only has 19:11:25...) and average KDR of 5.4. Just if it makes me "good enough" to comment these things.
But as I said, if one is playing on server where people actually know how to TV/fly jets AA is almost pointless.

For example; Dragon, BF2s server, Irish in choppa. (I use fine example player here) Our AA had HUGE opportunity against Irish. No shit. Irish just shot the AA everytime inside the hall with TV, or if the AA got out (when Irish was resupplying or etc.) choppa was way out of the range of AA but in the range TV, or Irish just shot from the canyon/behind trees where AA's can't lock. That's just example from one map. Even it didn't help that there was someone trying to use the stinger (same time with AA) to take Irish.

Now, with jets, taking AA is even easier. Hell, I play on server where 95% of the players have voice, they aren't lamejoining pricks/10 year young toddlers and commanders usually spot everything/tell where everything is when you ask them, so "hiding" is very useless. There's always way to kill the AA from some direction and flyer can do it before AA can even lock.

(Of course anyone can play on servers where you can kill almost everyone and everything with AA's, but that doesn't mean AA is good. AA just plain and simple sucks when good pilots fly. I doesn't help much your own pilots. It is under every form of attack all the time and finding AA's is way easier for jet/helo than for AA to find them.)
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

Ei Em wrote:

Snake wrote:

AA is already über-pwner.
If it makes you feel any better to know that my total time in the AA (including all of my mass amount of accounts) is 342:21:14 (eventhough my "main" account only has 19:11:25...) and average KDR of 5.4. Just if it makes me "good enough" to comment these things.
But as I said, if one is playing on server where people actually know how to TV/fly jets AA is almost pointless.

For example; Dragon, BF2s server, Irish in choppa. (I use fine example player here) Our AA had HUGE opportunity against Irish. No shit. Irish just shot the AA everytime inside the hall with TV, or if the AA got out (when Irish was resupplying or etc.) choppa was way out of the range of AA but in the range TV, or Irish just shot from the canyon/behind trees where AA's can't lock. That's just example from one map. Even it didn't help that there was someone trying to use the stinger (same time with AA) to take Irish.

Now, with jets, taking AA is even easier. Hell, I play on server where 95% of the players have voice, they aren't lamejoining pricks/10 year young toddlers and commanders usually spot everything/tell where everything is when you ask them, so "hiding" is very useless. There's always way to kill the AA from some direction and flyer can do it before AA can even lock.

(Of course anyone can play on servers where you can kill almost everyone and everything with AA's, but that doesn't mean AA is good. AA just plain and simple sucks when good pilots fly. I doesn't help much your own pilots. It is under every form of attack all the time and finding AA's is way easier for jet/helo than for AA to find them.)

Last edited by Oisín | Irishpride (2009-04-24 08:01:42)

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