Ei Em wrote:
AA rant
AA is fine...I dont have a 7KDR from over 70hours in AA from playing OSS, ORR and Daqing for no reason. And no, I dont rape GT for that. Yes, statsrlife, however, its a damn good indication.
You need tactics, you need cover, and you need to be sneaky. Cover is absolute key, because if a jet is coming at you and you move behind that huge Oil Cistern...guess what, he can no longer see you and you can put 2-3 up his tailpipe with ease. Sitting in the open waiting for the enemy heli/jet just doesn't work. You need to be entirely focussed on the air, for incoming jets and/or helis by spinning your turret like its on steroids to keep an eye out. Dont lock onto a heli as soon as it is in range, let it get closer (if it doesnt go directly for you, that is). You should be able to, often enough, take out a jet who is aiming straight at you by the time its about to drop its bombs. If you are good enough, enemy jets will focus on you in your Mobile AA and nothing else: because you are by far the biggest threat to them.
Bomber jets can be a huge problem due to the LGM, but, again, cover is the key. AA has the highest learning curve for ground-based vehicles, perhaps even including infantry, which is its biggest problem.
However, I agree with stationary AA, because it is utter shite.