OK, I was messing around with the controls a bit and come to find out, 1.5 beta is not bad at all. I don't like how it changed my joystick settings but, I am seeming to get more kills now.
I bashed BF2 in another thread but I think I'll play for a while.
While I think some more changes could be made, I was pleased when I popped in a game after messing with the falcon crap and was doing alot better. I'm still not sure how to use it but whatever I did worked.
I take back the bf2 sucking comment but I still think it needs work.
To be more constructive, I will not bash bf2 anymore but instead ask... Can anyone explain to a dummy what the falcon does and what the numbers mean? How do I find out the setting I need? Is it just trial and error?
I bashed BF2 in another thread but I think I'll play for a while.
While I think some more changes could be made, I was pleased when I popped in a game after messing with the falcon crap and was doing alot better. I'm still not sure how to use it but whatever I did worked.
I take back the bf2 sucking comment but I still think it needs work.
To be more constructive, I will not bash bf2 anymore but instead ask... Can anyone explain to a dummy what the falcon does and what the numbers mean? How do I find out the setting I need? Is it just trial and error?