L.Sammy wrote:
I really don't get people on this forums.
These changes are to stop macro uses, and cheaters, if it dose that the leave the changes alone.
Allot of people talk about skill, OK there is skill involved, thinking about your next move, wheres the enemy, when in the arty going to fall.
That's all using your head and teamwork to win a round. But don't tell me that pressing space bar and z really fast is skill. Its called reflexes.
Also, to all the people that think skill comes in the form of an AHK file, your wrong, also having a really good hit-reg is not skill, its you being a luck bastard. If you can take the m11 and kill a whole squad without leaving the ground, then IL call you skilled, but not jump shoot, jump shoot, That's just reflexes.
I would put money on it, that alot of the "SKILLED" players, heli, i/o, are macro users, and if the delay can stop a hotkey working then im all for it.
or instead why not disable macro's for bf2. im sure they can do it. Cheaters ? nothing really to do with dolphin diving i sorta get what you mean. Maybe i just hate change by just played about another 2 hours of IO and i can't get my head round it. I did say its some sort of skill but i agree with you. It isn't skill but i do think it can help a player getting kills or going for cover. Everyone is able to do it. whether they choose not too is something that bugs me. I think if people were just said to the guys who moan "all of you can do it so why complain, all you had to do is press 'z' in mid air" then maybe there would be less moaning. It's like bunnyhopping in bf2. They didn't put a jump button in bf2 for nothing
and everyone can do it, so why should people have to rage about every little thing because they get killed by some 'bunnyhopping dolphin diving shitter'
Not ranting on at you it's something that has always bugged me as to why people complain about the little things