Spidery_Yoda wrote:
I wasn't complaining about it like that. I don't find it disgusting at all. That's not what I was complaining about.
I just think it's not at all in character. He's a professional. Or so he says in his video. And now he's decided to start throwing jars of his urine at people?
'One is a job and the other is mental sickness'
I think Jarate is leaning more towards the latter don't you?
True. Hell, in the video and even in one of his achievements there's "Be Polite". Throwing jars of pee is not polite. Throwing jars of pee has nothing to do with the character at all. I mean they appeared once in the video as a
necessity, the Sniper had to pee in the jars instead of peeing on the floor or in his pants. That doesn't extend to throwing the damn things at people.
All the unlocks so far have been somewhat fitting for the character and the class - in all the class updates. A bow and arrow, sure. Doesn't quite fit in with the efficiency of being a Sniper but I'll run with it. An electrified african shield, yeah I can run with that one too, it has a reference to the old Aussie ingenuity which is fitting.
Jar of pee? I'm kind of hesitant in running with that one, (it might spill.)
By the way I know it seems I'm really taking this issue to heart but it's 'cause I have to write a boring as fuck essay. It's nearly 4am.
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
The other sniper unlocks are improvised weapons, and while he prides himself on his professionalism, he lives alone in a camper van with no human contact whatsoever, and he likely has gotten a bit mad over the years. Not only that but he is efficient, and has a plan to kill everyone he meets, the Jarate helps him with that.
Okay, I like where you're going with that. I don't see any reference to him being a bit mad, I think that's just some creative thinking on your part. Out of all of them he seems the most rational aside from maybe the Engineer.
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Also no one complained about Jarate when it was in Meet the Sniper, heck it was one of the more favorite jokes.
I agree. That's back when it was just a joke. As mentioned it wasn't in it's weaponised form back then it was just a necessity. When it first WAS in it's weaponised form people took that as a joke too.
DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Meet the Demoman is about a guy getting drunk and having a breakdown, Soldier is about a guy giving a lecture to his collection of severed human heads, in Meet the Engineer he blows a guy to bits and plays with his severed hand.
That's a fairly loose interpretation, at least of the Demoman and Engineer ones. I didn't see the Engineer playing with anyone's severed hand, I saw him kicking it away from his campfire, (which from memory were burning bodies right which is kind of concerning.) As for the Demoman he was talking about himself and got depressed that he's a pretty rare phenomenon, that was playing into his character being a drunk. Soldier has always been characterised as being the insane one so the talking to heads thing was perfectly fitting.
What also has to be taken into account is the world these character's inhabit, it's a world where everyone kills everyone. Death is not uncommon so talking about psychopathic tendancies is kind of irrellevent. However there's mental sickness where you kill people and then there's mental sickness when you start throwing around human waste. There's a pretty significant difference.