Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

n00b.Worx wrote:

So...if you´re a n00b don´t enter the chopper...NEVER
Ha. That made me laugh.
You didn't follow your own advice the first time you jumped in.  Can you say......"Hypocrite"?

Mayfield had some good advice for you AWESOME (read: self-seving snobs) pilots; teach someone to become a good others words.......<gasp>......give back to the community!  Oh, the horrors!


Although I really have no need to find myself in a chopper except to get from one flag to another, that doesn't mean I need to ever bow to you or your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS and only subject myself to the humble task of gassing up and cleaning the windows of your "Privately Owned Vehicle", and polish the side of your chopper that beholds the stencil of your name and your co-pilot's (that you somehow had painted on the side through some magical hack to stencil your glorious names on the side of the chopper) for all to show that YOU and YOU ALONE are the sole owners of said chopper and I must then salute you and your AWESOME Co-Pilot as you take off to save all of humanity with your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS, so we may live in peace for the next millenia or two.

Please, for all of humanity, get over yourselves.  The day I see YOUR names on the helicopters is the day I'll stop hopping in a chopper......which is never.  :putz:
OMG ... are we still going on about this?

dan500 wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

its not your heli so deal with it.
No no no, thats where your wrong, im flying the dam thing, so i want a co-piolt who knows what there doing, so many times i been killed in a heli cos the dumb f*ck cant hit anything, i just get pissed being shot down cos my co' cant hit shit.
I feel ya man!
+105|6945|Lexington, KY

dan500 wrote:

Im REALLY getting sick of n00bs that think they can be my gunner when my clan mate is right next to me waiting for the helo, so many times people have took the gunners seat and not fired the gun at targets, me and my clan mate know everything eachother is doing, all i have to do is hover, no, i dont even have to hover, i can be flying along over a tank BOOM! TV missle stright into him, i can be doing a right role, BOOM! TV missle into the heli, i just hate it when fuck heads get in the heli with me and cant hit shit if it stood up and danced infront of them. 

So all i gotta say;


I feel better now
Learn to fly better, and give me a good shoot then maybe I will be a better gunner.  Now shut up.
when Hell is full...

dubbs wrote:

Learn to fly better, and give me a good shoot then maybe I will be a better gunner.  Now shut up.
Helicopter 03:58:48   49     73   0.67    8        Yeah sure.......
Usque Ad Finem
when Hell is full...

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Although I really have no need to find myself in a chopper except to get from one flag to another, that doesn't mean I need to ever bow to you or your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS and only subject myself to the humble task of gassing up and cleaning the windows of your "Privately Owned Vehicle", and polish the side of your chopper that beholds the stencil of your name and your co-pilot's (that you somehow had painted on the side through some magical hack to stencil your glorious names on the side of the chopper) for all to show that YOU and YOU ALONE are the sole owners of said chopper and I must then salute you and your AWESOME Co-Pilot as you take off to save all of humanity with your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS, so we may live in peace for the next millenia or two.
Helicopter 03:58:21    90    112    0.80    8     its getting funny more and more.....
Usque Ad Finem

arnica wrote:

OMG ... are we still going on about this?
People are still flogging the mostly decomposed horses body.
Judging people on base of their stats isn't always cool, you know.

Ah, and Tek||drake666, perhaps you can give us the pleasure and compile the heli stats of all people that disagree with dan500 and put them into this thread, and we will have a good laugh at what people will look down on uber leet chopper whores that have no base to do so.
I am always gunner in the heli - flew yesterday for the first time for real. My gunner, former pilot that wanted to give me a chance to try saying i have to learn to fly it someday - could not get a single kill

Everyone should do what they do best, I gun.

And, BTW, if you and your clanmates spend half of the game in heli and still have less points than me on foot. You deserve to have C4 on your heli and blown to bits for ignorance and not helping the team enough.
when Hell is full...

Quacki wrote:

Judging people on base of their stats isn't always cool, you know.

Ah, and Tek||drake666, perhaps you can give us the pleasure and compile the heli stats of all people that disagree with dan500 and put them into this thread, and we will have a good laugh at what people will look down on uber leet chopper whores that have no base to do so.
maybe u dont understant some sarcasmus!
i just dont get it why players who flu 3 hours in a chopper talk about owning and raping! after 3 hours of flying u will maybe able to lift up and land the damn thing without kill urself
and YES u can judge pplz by their stats!
when u have 100 hours of flying/positive KD u can bitch... sry but thats my oppinion!

that guys above bitch and moan because they are too lazy to practice a bit in the singleplayer where u will ALWAYS get a chopper!

i spent about 20 hours on dalian @ singleplayer to hold the chopper in the air so dont try to tell me what i have to too and write!

ah and get the fuck out of my helo :>
Usque Ad Finem

TeK||drake666 wrote:

Quacki wrote:

Judging people on base of their stats isn't always cool, you know.

Ah, and Tek||drake666, perhaps you can give us the pleasure and compile the heli stats of all people that disagree with dan500 and put them into this thread, and we will have a good laugh at what people will look down on uber leet chopper whores that have no base to do so.
maybe u dont understant some sarcasmus!
i just dont get it why players who flu 3 hours in a chopper talk about owning and raping! after 3 hours of flying u will maybe able to lift up and land the damn thing without kill urself
and YES u can judge pplz by their stats!
when u have 100 hours of flying/positive KD u can bitch... sry but thats my oppinion!

that guys above bitch and moan because they are too lazy to practice a bit in the singleplayer where u will ALWAYS get a chopper!

i spent about 20 hours on dalian @ singleplayer to hold the chopper in the air so dont try to tell me what i have to too and write!

ah and get the fuck out of my helo :>
why did you spend 20 hours on singleplayer?
when Hell is full...

1stLt.MikeUSAF wrote:

TeK||drake666 wrote:

Quacki wrote:

Judging people on base of their stats isn't always cool, you know.

Ah, and Tek||drake666, perhaps you can give us the pleasure and compile the heli stats of all people that disagree with dan500 and put them into this thread, and we will have a good laugh at what people will look down on uber leet chopper whores that have no base to do so.
maybe u dont understant some sarcasmus!
i just dont get it why players who flu 3 hours in a chopper talk about owning and raping! after 3 hours of flying u will maybe able to lift up and land the damn thing without kill urself
and YES u can judge pplz by their stats!
when u have 100 hours of flying/positive KD u can bitch... sry but thats my oppinion!

that guys above bitch and moan because they are too lazy to practice a bit in the singleplayer where u will ALWAYS get a chopper!

i spent about 20 hours on dalian @ singleplayer to hold the chopper in the air so dont try to tell me what i have to too and write!

ah and get the fuck out of my helo :>
why did you spend 20 hours on singleplayer?
eum? is my english that bad? that question is kinda pathetic.... i used the singleplayer to LEARN heloflying omg...
Usque Ad Finem
Hey guys, i have one problem with TV missles. Whenever i shoot my TV from far away i cant guide the way its going. Is there is the button you press to guide your TV missle if your object is far awaY?

TeK||drake666 wrote:

1stLt.MikeUSAF wrote:

TeK||drake666 wrote:

maybe u dont understant some sarcasmus!
i just dont get it why players who flu 3 hours in a chopper talk about owning and raping! after 3 hours of flying u will maybe able to lift up and land the damn thing without kill urself
and YES u can judge pplz by their stats!
when u have 100 hours of flying/positive KD u can bitch... sry but thats my oppinion!

that guys above bitch and moan because they are too lazy to practice a bit in the singleplayer where u will ALWAYS get a chopper!

i spent about 20 hours on dalian @ singleplayer to hold the chopper in the air so dont try to tell me what i have to too and write!

ah and get the fuck out of my helo :>
why did you spend 20 hours on singleplayer?
eum? is my english that bad? that question is kinda pathetic.... i used the singleplayer to LEARN heloflying omg...
20 hours? THAT is what is pathetic! It took me like 10 mins.
Dropped on request
It's called left clicking. Sometimes you have to double click.
+22|6977|England, UK
Yip.. Happens to all of us.. You can't stop or change it.. So stfu like the rest of us
Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

TeK||drake666 wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Although I really have no need to find myself in a chopper except to get from one flag to another, that doesn't mean I need to ever bow to you or your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS and only subject myself to the humble task of gassing up and cleaning the windows of your "Privately Owned Vehicle", and polish the side of your chopper that beholds the stencil of your name and your co-pilot's (that you somehow had painted on the side through some magical hack to stencil your glorious names on the side of the chopper) for all to show that YOU and YOU ALONE are the sole owners of said chopper and I must then salute you and your AWESOME Co-Pilot as you take off to save all of humanity with your AWESOME CHOPPERNESS, so we may live in peace for the next millenia or two.
Helicopter 03:58:21    90    112    0.80    8     its getting funny more and more.....
Ugh, again.......somebody lacking reading and comprehension skills which are far more important than flying a simulated helicopter in a game.....

My highlighted line explains my stats just in case you couldn't figure that out on your own.  And let me reiterate that just because you feel that you "own" a simulation of a helicopter because of your stats and pseudo-skills doesn't make you royalty around makes you a whiner.

TeK||drake666 wrote:

and YES u can judge pplz by their stats!
when u have 100 hours of flying/positive KD u can bitch... sry but thats my oppinion!
Likewise, I judge that you spend less time learning in school than you do on this game......I hope "dez leet skeelz" will take you far in your life....
Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

Quacki wrote:

Judging people on base of their stats isn't always cool, you know.

Ah, and Tek||drake666, perhaps you can give us the pleasure and compile the heli stats of all people that disagree with dan500 and put them into this thread, and we will have a good laugh at what people will look down on uber leet chopper whores that have no base to do so.
You might be right Quaki, but in my case, I really don't care what he thinks regarding my stats.  My stats OUTSIDE of gaming is what really matters to me.  Hopefully, Tek will figure that out someday as well.  I'm happy to say that I totally sucked at this game when I was a noob.....and I'm marginal at best now.  So what?  This is my diversion, not my life.  I'm here to have fun, regardless of how I do it.  Even my 17 year old knows the difference when he plays.

If you're here to bitch about people "stealing" your helicopter, then you need to broaden you horizons outside of the gaming world, because your pissing away what really matters in life.
when Hell is full...
amen im 24 and chief of a 23 employments strong part of the biggest papermachineproduce worldwide!
i have 2 children, a house, and drive a 2003 audi a4 163 hp!

so any stats OUTSIDE mrs ilifemygreatliveinpeace?
Usque Ad Finem
Dropped on request
Here's how it goes. Easy map like sharqi, give the noob a chance. Hard map like dalian plant full of whores, get the hell out of my heli. What I do is get out, not fly for them, tell them I'm going alone after they die. If they try to get in again I tk. I'm not dying because I get tv'ed and you can't tv back. I can do my own tv'ing thank you. This is harsh but fair.
+44|7040|West Berlin!

TeK||drake666 wrote:

amen im 24 and chief of a 23 employments strong part of the biggest papermachineproduce worldwide!
i have 2 children, a house, and drive a 2003 audi a4 163 hp!

so any stats OUTSIDE mrs ilifemygreatliveinpeace?
Who the fuck cares?
Sheep of War
This is a stupid crybaby thread. Everyone who bought the game has an equal right to any vehicle. Its one thing when you get out to fix it and sombody steals it when its repaired. Its another thing when you feel the need to cry that you and your buddy can whore the chopper the whole game.
is drunk and crazy
What pisses me off is when you and your pilot are absolutely owning and then when there are about 150/100 tickets left some noob decides he wants to try in the chopper.

Gets in the gunners seat and doesnt kill anyone for 10 minutes or gets in the pilots seat and flies around aimlessly doing nothing.
i just want to know how every time i lock my helo and turn on the alarm every time i turn my back some asshole breaks in and takes off

and drake your helo stats suck i want to be the next person to hop in and say you cant comment cuz you blow yay
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6917|Pickle Village
Who gives a F**k ?!?!?!  Let me remind you, BF2 IS ONLY A GAME!  Who cares if someone worse than you hops in "your" heli?  They payed $50 bucks for the game also and have every right to suck at playing it.  BIG DEAL!

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