
twoblacklines wrote:

All these wanna be medics need to play aix 2.0 - karkand stormfront. No fog. You can reheal and revive all you want but the fact is I can sit on the warehouse building near trainstation as MEC and you wont get past Hotel. Theres no fog on the battlefield IRL, which makes medics useless IRL.
"Fog of war" does occur in real life. Well, not really as fog of war, but under a clear sky, when it is very hot, it can still become quite hazy.

And if you ever plan on going to war in Athens or something nowadays, I'll guarantee you will at least have smog of war

Last edited by Lai (2009-06-01 12:22:31)

got any popo lolo intersting?

twoblacklines wrote:

All these wanna be medics need to play aix 2.0 - karkand stormfront. No fog. You can reheal and revive all you want but the fact is I can sit on the warehouse building near trainstation as MEC and you wont get past Hotel. Theres no fog on the battlefield IRL, which makes medics useless IRL.
Because whoring the overpowered weapon is nice. If some weapon is OP, Vintorez in AIX is. Semi-Auto sniper with no recoil, silencer and kills in one hit most of the time. You are so cool.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
HakLaw in the house
your all blatantly bad at games and have no clue what your doing and just want it too be easy. Be bad all the time if you want. Doesnt bother me cus i only play this fail game the odd time.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
I got to admit AIX2 is noob takes no skill at all, thats the reason everyone goes sniper theres no point to any other rifle apart from the vintorez or the semi auto barrett you can get hundreds of kills in a round, its a fun mod to play though, shame the rounds only last a short while because of how overpowered everything is
+3,936|6813|so randum
give meds ironsight carbines
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Dropped on request

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

#1 Fix: Hit Registration.
#2 Fix: Lower all delays that slow down the game.
#3 Fix: Faster F35 spawns.

Those 3 fixes would make BF2 perfect.
lol how would faster f35 spawns help? it would just give a camping j10 more kills

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

#1 Fix: Hit Registration.
#2 Fix: Lower all delays that slow down the game.
#3 Fix: Faster F35 spawns.

Those 3 fixes would make BF2 perfect.
Might make the game better, but never perfect.

When you have people like herbel who just cant play and blame the way the game is made, you will always have moaners, and people crying that the game needs to be fixed.

Does anyone complain about any other game they play? Or is it just bf2.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
lol I just gave my opinion on changes I think should be made, why comment saying I cant play if you havent even played the game with me or seen me play?
The game does need fixing, by the way your talking, nothing needs fixing, if thats true, why have countless people always complained about things needing fixing on BF2?
Hitreg would be a bonus fix, I think everyones used to the hitreg and how to aim by now
Faster F35 spawns would be a good idea, J10 is better in almost every way, why not make the F35 spawn quick at least?
F35 hitbox is shit but I suppose Im wrong about that as well cos my opinion never seems to count and someone always trys to take the piss
A lot of games are fine problem-wise, theyre just not as good a game as BF2, and BF2 has problems.
Because BF2 is such a good game is the reason people want stuff fixed, to make it an even better and more fair game
Look my point is. WHO CARES. If they fix what you have suggested here, then some-one else will suggest another 10 fixes, and another and another and another. WHATS THE FUCKING POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before long we will be playing CSS, or COD4. If BF2 is so crap and buggy with so many problems, then how can so many 1000's of people play every single day? How is it 1 of the best games ever?

Last edited by L.Sammy (2009-06-01 16:33:43)

+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
its one of the best games ever because theres no other game like it thats why 1000s of people play it, I could go on and on about how good it is, there isnt THAT many problems with the game which is why some people are annoyed that they havent been fixed cos if they had been fixed the game would be pretty perfect
You say who cares, but a lot of people do care as since the day I joined these forums, ive read countless posts about the hitreg, hackers, f35 j10 etc
I will never play COD4 or CSS cos I dont like small area shooters, the scale of BF2 I think is the reason a lot of people like BF2 a lot and the amount of stuff you can do on it
Its only the main fixes and blatant balance issues that need sorting, I know as you say people will still want more, but they will just be nitpicks and pointless things
I havent tried the second beta, and actually ive heard hardly anything about it no one seem to really be talking about it but i hope they sort some problems like the f35 at least
+3,936|6813|so randum
pretty please just use paras once in a while.


the stuff your saying is normally quite good, but i honestly wont read it if its one big block.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
i tried lol

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

#1 Fix: Hit Registration.
#2 Fix: Lower all delays that slow down the game.
#3 Fix: Faster F35 spawns.

Those 3 fixes would make BF2 perfect.
I want medics to heal in F18s
I want the generic voice over volume control to work so I can mute the commander and his spam
I want Euro Fighters guns to be able to kill stinger and TOW sites
I want the F35 to be removed from maps with J10s and replaced with F18s
I want more armor on the Essex gun
I want full health transport choppers to be able to survive a single TV missile
I want the MEC littlebird to be useful in combat vs the MD530
I want a flack gun and smoke on mobile AA
I want deviation on all weapons reduced
I want an initial 2 second delay upon entering the gunner seat before the TV missile can be used
I want nades and clays to only be resupplied at commander supply drops on I/O... then again I want I/O replaced with a mode that has humvees and boats

but DICE will not do any of this...
It sucks to want doesn't it and never receive.

Last edited by Evil_Black_Fox (2009-06-01 23:13:50)

Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

lol I just gave my opinion on changes I think should be made, why comment saying I cant play if you havent even played the game with me or seen me play?
The game does need fixing, by the way your talking, nothing needs fixing, if thats true, why have countless people always complained about things needing fixing on BF2?
Hitreg would be a bonus fix, I think everyones used to the hitreg and how to aim by now
Faster F35 spawns would be a good idea, J10 is better in almost every way, why not make the F35 spawn quick at least?
F35 hitbox is shit but I suppose Im wrong about that as well cos my opinion never seems to count and someone always trys to take the piss
A lot of games are fine problem-wise, theyre just not as good a game as BF2, and BF2 has problems.
Because BF2 is such a good game is the reason people want stuff fixed, to make it an even better and more fair game
You're an idiot.

A good F35 pilot can do some serious damage to an equally good J-10 pilot.

Just because you have no idea how to fly doesn't mean everyone else is as clueless as you.

BF2 is a fair game, it's the best game out there - with or without the buggy gameplay.

Learn to use the F35, adapt.

@Evil Fox;

Medic's do heal themselves in the F18.

Commander spam is important, but perhaps it could be lowered.

I don't play any expansion packs so I wouldn't know about the Euro-Fighter.

F35 is fine, I'd pick the F35 over the F18 any day.

Essex is a killing machine, you just need to know how to use correctly.

That's a stupid idea, perhaps don't charge towards the attack choppers in your transport chopper?

Don't play expansion packs.

Mobile AA is a beast, it's fine the way it is.


Stupid idea.

Stupid idea.

Conclusion: You're stupid

Last edited by Oisín | Irishpride (2009-06-02 04:20:34)

+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
F35 is my favourite jet, its the only jet I fly. Fair enough you are a better pilot than me, but dont say I'm stupid because the J-10 is much easier to survive in, and easier to kill an F35 with rather than the other way round, J10 doesnt even need flares to dodge missiles, its got more afterburner, more armour... you obviously know all the pros and cons all I'm saying is why should 1 side get blatantly better jets than another if theyre supposed to fight each other?
+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

I want medics to heal in F18s
I want the generic voice over volume control to work so I can mute the commander and his spam
I want Euro Fighters guns to be able to kill stinger and TOW sites
I want the F35 to be removed from maps with J10s and replaced with F18s
I want more armor on the Essex gun
I want full health transport choppers to be able to survive a single TV missile
I want the MEC littlebird to be useful in combat vs the MD530
I want a flack gun and smoke on mobile AA
I want deviation on all weapons reduced
I want an initial 2 second delay upon entering the gunner seat before the TV missile can be used
I want nades and clays to only be resupplied at commander supply drops on I/O... then again I want I/O replaced with a mode that has humvees and boats

but DICE will not do any of this...
It sucks to want doesn't it and never receive.
tbh that makes sence. +1
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

F35 is my favourite jet, its the only jet I fly. Fair enough you are a better pilot than me, but dont say I'm stupid because the J-10 is much easier to survive in, and easier to kill an F35 with rather than the other way round, J10 doesnt even need flares to dodge missiles, its got more afterburner, more armour... you obviously know all the pros and cons all I'm saying is why should 1 side get blatantly better jets than another if theyre supposed to fight each other?
I presume you are talking about Wake Island/Dalian Plant here.

On both maps the US is protected by the 2 USS Essex, 2 mean killing machines. On both maps, the PLA jet spawns are open to attack, and are protected my measly IGLA/Stinger. On both maps, US start with 2 F35 and PLA start with 1 J-10. 2 F35 pilots should beat 1 J-10 pilot. There should be no reason to let the 2nd J-10 get up on either map (I'm talking competitive here, not public) - and even if it's public play, a decent F35 pilot should have no problem dealing with an average J-10 pilot.

Bottom line is that the game is balanced, and the only factor that unbalances it is the idiots playing the game itself.

Practice, learn, adapt.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
I normally play Dragon Valley, I dont normally have problems with killing J10's as long as im behind it and its 1v1 I just think its rediculous the amount of work you have to do in a F35 when you get a J-10 missile chasing you compared to the J10 simply turning to avoid it

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

I normally play Dragon Valley, I dont normally have problems with killing J10's as long as im behind it and its 1v1 I just think its rediculous the amount of work you have to do in a F35 when you get a J-10 missile chasing you compared to the J10 simply turning to avoid it
mmmmm, most interesting.

I would like a field post. when medic's are on the battlefield they can only do basic healing. So if you are wounded beyond basic healing you will need to be extracted by a medic to a field post for better and advanced healing.

for example:
A severe wounded soldier lies before your feet,
Press E to pickup the wounded soldier.
Go to a field medic post or hospital in the main base. (note if you are a normal soldier you get 4 points and like 4/4000 valor points for a medal of valor. If you are a medic you get 5 points and 6 valor points)

so you can get points for teamwork (even if you are an other class then medic, you can still pick up the soldier and bring him to a medic post and receive points.)

Limit the medic class in a game 40 medic's running around healing people in an 64 server won't do good. (64 man means 6/9 medics on 1 team.)
Make medals more interesting.

some people won't like this, some will.

I certainly would see this kind of system in operation flashpoint.

Last edited by GateKeeper{NL} (2009-06-03 00:22:51)

got any popo lolo intersting?

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

I normally play Dragon Valley, I dont normally have problems with killing J10's as long as im behind it and its 1v1 I just think its rediculous the amount of work you have to do in a F35 when you get a J-10 missile chasing you compared to the J10 simply turning to avoid it
mmmmm, most interesting.

I would like a field post. when medic's are on the battlefield they can only do basic healing. So if you are wounded beyond basic healing you will need to be extracted by a medic to a field post for better and advanced healing.

for example:
A severe wounded soldier lies before your feet,
Press E to pickup the wounded soldier.
Go to a field medic post or hospital in the main base. (note if you are a normal soldier you get 4 points and like 4/4000 valor points for a medal of valor. If you are a medic you get 5 points and 6 valor points)

so you can get points for teamwork (even if you are an other class then medic, you can still pick up the soldier and bring him to a medic post and receive points.)

Limit the medic class in a game 40 medic's running around healing people in an 64 server won't do good. (64 man means 6/9 medics on 1 team.)
Make medals more interesting.

some people won't like this, some will.

I certainly would see this kind of system in operation flashpoint.
I would like to see it too.

In operation flashpoint, not bf2.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Oisín | Irishpride
+118|5907|Dublin, Ireland

DeathUnlimited wrote:

not bf2.
+70|6639|The Netherlands
The only things which should be changed are;

1. Shock paddles should work right, not that if you want to revive someone you only are spamming text messages; "clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear... oh wait RECHARGING..."
2. When ever people are wounded they are stuck in a wall, or in an flag pole.
3. Next to that, when people die on a stair they are going down and when they are on the ground you finally can revive them.
4. You can't revive people in the water.. (the water where you can walk...) Kinda lame..
5. When you drop down a first aid, it should be laying down on the ground, and shouldn't go trough the floor or trough a wall.
6. When you pick up an AK-101, and it keeps getting on Single Shot, when ever you try to get it on Auto... >.>
7. It happens to me a lot, when ever you walk with a nade, it seems to throw one when you don't want one to throw.
8. Some times the the weapon menu pops up, and when you shot you suddenly got a knife in your hands (really bugged).
9. When my shock paddles are still with the "clear clear clear" - part I can switch to gun.. rather annoying.

But those are just some problems >.>

Last edited by Cute.Nemean^inf (2009-06-03 05:37:16)


Cute.Nemean^inf wrote:

The only things which should be changed are;

1. Shock paddles should work right, not that if you want to revive someone you only are spamming text messages; "clear, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear... oh wait RECHARGING..."
2. When ever people are wounded they are stuck in a wall, or in an flag pole.
3. Next to that, when people die on a stair they are going down and when they are on the ground you finally can revive them.
4. You can't revive people in the water.. (the water where you can walk...) Kinda lame..
5. When you drop down a first aid, it should be laying down on the ground, and shouldn't go trough the floor or trough a wall.
6. When you pick up an AK-101, and it keeps getting on Single Shot, when ever you try to get it on Auto... >.>
7. It happens to me a lot, when ever you walk with a nade, it seems to throw one when you don't want one to throw.
8. Some times the the weapon menu pops up, and when you shot you suddenly got a knife in your hands (really bugged).
9. When my shock paddles are still with the "clear clear clear" - part I can switch to gun.. rather annoying.

But those are just some problems >.>
I'd rather see wall glitching fixed than any of these changes.
+70|6639|The Netherlands
Well if you read the topic title;


Maybe you see the point?
Rod Foxx
+78|6297|Perth, Australia
The most interesting aspect about this topic is that almost no one seems to have read the OP.

Someone makes a suggestion for a change and is then flamed with "Theres just no keeping some people happy. Just play the fucking game.". The OP was talking about what changes should be made for the next battlefield game. Not changing BF2. I'm quite happy with bf2 as it is right now but i do believe that some changes could be made to the formula for the next game.

My personal suggestion would be that the medic should be like the tf2 medic. As in a healer class. And nothing else.

But that's just me.

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