Nana got zapped
American accents really annoy me sometimes. Meh.
Honestly I think the officer could have dealt with the situation in a better way than he did, you'd be lying if you said he needed to use the taser to subdue her. And at 72 years old the taser could have killed her. But he was well within his rights to use it after repeatedly warning her.

Dumb bitch, I would've tasered her to lol
I don't know the rules around using the taser, but the cop did warn her enough and it was a dangerous place for a physical struggle (ya never know).
The woman should be convicted of resisting arrest etc, good example for everyone.
The woman should be convicted of resisting arrest etc, good example for everyone.
I think the cop was bang on doing that. Who gives a flying shite if she's 72? If that had been a 25 year old male, and he was resisting arrest like that, then it's exactly the same principle. Kudos to the cop. People will look down on him for the way he acted as the accused was 72. Doesn't matter what age you are, you can't act like that.
Plus, that reporter woman was HOT!
Plus, that reporter woman was HOT!
liquidat0r wrote:
American accents really annoy me sometimes. Meh.

Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.