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ATI is settling a lawsuit related to their false claims of HDCP compatibility, which means that many people could be eligible for some free video cards. If you purchased a video card that was made by ATI (not Sapphire, VisionTek, Asus etc.) between January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006 you should totally submit your authorized claim.
ATi HD 4650
Here is the nitty gritty:
You are a class member if, while residing in the United States, you purchased for your own personal use and not for resale an ATI graphics card (that means a card built by or for ATI, not by or for another company such as Asus, Diamond, Gigabyte, Palit, Sapphire, or VisionTek) from one of the following series: Radeon 9550; Radeon 9800; Radeon x700; Radeon x800; Radeon x850; Radeon x1300; Radeon x1600; Radeon x1800; Radeon x1900; All-in-Wonder 9800; All-in-Wonder 2006; All-in-Wonder x600; All-in-Wonder x800; All-in-Wonder x1800; All-in-Wonder x1900; or any FireGL or FireMV series of graphics cards. You must have made your purchase during the period from January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006.
What does the settlement provide?
If 55,500 or fewer authorized claims are submitted, each authorized claimant will receive one Radeon 4650 512MB PCI express graphics card for each authorized claim they submit. If greater than 55,500, but less than 71,501, authorized claims are submitted, each authorized claimant will receive one Radeon 2400 256MB PCI express graphics card for each authorized claim he or she submits.
If greater than 71,500 authorized claims are submitted, each authorized claimant will receive a cash payment in the amount of his or her pro rata share of $3,000,000. For example, if the total number of authorized claims is 71,501, each authorized claimant will receive a check in the amount of $41.95 for each authorized claim he or she submits. The amount of any potential cash payment thus will vary depending on the number of authorized claims.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'