I used to be a console only gamer playing mostly on Xbox 360 when I played FPS on the 360 like BF2, R6 Vegas, I thought it was fine with the Xbox pad until I started playing properly on the PC with K+M, obviously the K+M is much more accurate and you can aim as fast as you like with a mouse and it takes a lot more learning to aim competitively with mouse than an analogue stick, so I prefer using mouse.
The good thing about consoles is that everyones got the same hardware, I know BF2 on the 360 is nothing at all compared to the PC version, smaller maps, less vehicles, less weapons, no teamwork etc etc etc but the good thing about it is that everyone has to use the pad, so you can be comfortable using it without feeling like you're at a disadvantage, and it's nice just having a pad to control everything with and nothing else- it's easy- that's why a lot of people say console FPS's are for noobs, everyone can get good at them quick- if you could plug a K+M into the 360 and play against everyone using pads obviously you would own them too hard
I think console games are good for casual gaming if you're a hardcore gamer and want to relax a bit, like I said it's good on BF2 on the 360 when I used to play it years ago being able to control infantry and fly choppers, drive tanks etc all using the pad like everyone else, but the PC has so much more control and detail and options that you can't really turn back to console games because consoles just don't meet your expectations after gaming on PC, which is why I was a bit disappointed when Bad Company 1 didn't come out on the PC cos I didn't want to play a FPS on my 360 ever
I hope BC2 for the PC doesn't end up like a console port like someone said, because console ports are complete shit- look at the Halo games on PC, if they were 100% native PC they would prob be some of the most popular games on PC