I was just going through a little of the code of BF2, and found in a user txt file folowing text:
HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_KILL_DAMAGEYou received a kill assist point!
Last text after translation, this should be the English remark you'll see on your screen after assisting with a kill
No problem here, but the following line is:
HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_TARGETINGYou received a targeting assist point!
Again last text after translation, maybe someone can see what the exact English text should be
Fileloc: ..\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Localization\english\english.utxt
Here's my question, anyone ever received such a targeting assist point? Or was this just one of the many features EA contemplated and never cleaned up before release?
I was just going through a little of the code of BF2, and found in a user txt file folowing text:
HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_KILL_DAMAGEYou received a kill assist point!
Last text after translation, this should be the English remark you'll see on your screen after assisting with a kill
No problem here, but the following line is:
HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_TARGETINGYou received a targeting assist point!
Again last text after translation, maybe someone can see what the exact English text should be
Fileloc: ..\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Localization\english\english.utxt
Here's my question, anyone ever received such a targeting assist point? Or was this just one of the many features EA contemplated and never cleaned up before release?