Check this out, he's only young and what a throw this is.
amazing young talent
amazing young talent
spam. reportedNoobpatty wrote:
Thanks, you too.SamBo:D wrote:
spam. reportedNoobpatty wrote:
ORLYBradt3hleader wrote:
Soooo fake!
He throws it to his friend who then puts it in!
Youtubers are stupid fucks, they either can't tell something like the Onion is humour and get all pissy about their reports, or they'll see something really fake, and then proudly declare it as if they're some kind of genius for managing to spot it.-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:
a. It's funny how many people commented (on youtube) proclaiming how it was fake and how smart they were for noticing
Is it just me or is that goalie (the one who concedes the goal), from the Bruce Grobelaar school of keeping...-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:
a. It's funny how many people commented (on youtube) proclaiming how it was fake and how smart they were for noticing
b. I loled @ the video
c. Found this under related videos, im not much of a soccer fan but this is secksy