ControlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping c_GIVoipPushToTalk IDFMouse IDButton_3 10000 1
Clear your secondary in the game panel controls and exit the game.
Edit the correct profile control.con in the directory with notepad.
EX... C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0003\controls.con
On the bottom of: ControlMap.create defaultGameControlMap you will see the default setting.
Add this as the secondary, save and exit.
ControlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping c_GIVoipPushToTalk IDFMouse IDButton_3 10000 1
Goodluck and make a backup before you mess with it in case you fuck it up.
To bind non default keys, buttons and scroll wheels you must do it in controls.con
My mouse is stacked with easy to reach options for every vehicle.
Last edited by Ten24Alpha420 (2009-08-01 17:25:02)