-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:
I agree that implementing changes in game mechanics at this point is sort of silly - bugfixes should have been the top priority.
But as someone who hasn't played the beta, is this really a game-breaking change? I get that it's unneeded, but does it take more than a round of gameplay to get used to it? Most people are saying that it's a minor change that doesn't affect gameplay much, whereas others act as if the game is not going to be worth playing...
From what I've read, it seems like the worst side-effect of the patch is going to be adjusting to it for a round or two, but after that point most everyone should be fine...is that pretty much the case?
No, I've always said it's pointless putting gameplay changes into this patch because BF3 won't be too long, the annoying thing about the changes to gameplay are that no one asked for them, look how many people play 1.41 and how much they obviously like it the way it is, I remember before the 1.5 beta 1 was out, everyone was so excited about the 1.5 patch, talking about 3 main things- J10 v F35, blackhawk miniguns being more powerful, and better hitreg.
They bring out the betas, with prone deviation, jump/prone delay, falcon controls, 10x more bugs than there already is, joysticks not working, not being able to alt/tab, commander glitches, menu glitches, not being able to apply settings etc etc all people wanted was a few things to make 1.41 a bit better than it already is and it seems liek they are changing it all, for no reason.
I would be more than happy if they completely scrapped 1.5, theres no way I'd stop playing if they didnt bring it out, at least then I'd know all the servers would be sorted and I could carry on playing the way ive always played