aimless wrote:
Red Forman wrote:
not sure why you guys are claiming e-penis over bf2 "flying." i mean, its a stretch to even say the word pilot and bf2 in the same sentence. flying in bf2 is about as arcade and easy as it gets.
Battlefield 2 isn't meant to be realistic, it's meant to have real life stuff like vehicles and weapons etc but you have a certain realism factor that makes it fun, I think BF2 is a perfect mix.
Saying because it's not realistic it's easy is the stupidest thing ever, just because it's not realistic doesn't make it easy at all, same amount of skill in both realistic and non realistic games when it comes to skilled players, non realistic games just make it easier for noobs to get into without getting too frustrated, I used to play PGR3 and Forza 2 on the xbox competitively PGR is complete arcade and Forza is more realistic, they both take as much skill as each other when it comes to pros on the games even though they are completely different.
I think its annoying when people keep on about BF2 being arcade, look at PR its much more realistic but hardly anyone plays it in comparison because it's so realistic that it's not fun, you have to draw the line somewhere, I don't want to wait 60 seconds or whatever it is to spawn, I dont want to have to request a pilot kit to fly, thats why BF2 is good, anyone who moans about it being arcade, I dont understand why they havent been playing PR or some flight simulator all along, I think the semi-arcade play of BF2 is why everyone plays it, games are meant to be fun and realistic enough so that there is a high learning curve, the realism of PR is overkill I think it's not needed, whenever I play it I definately feel like quitting the game as soon as I die lol I don't want to be punished in real life time for dying in a game- sorry I know I gone on a long one again take it red forman just dont understand what BF2 is about, maybe he is a hacker like his bum buddy sambo thats why he finds it so easy