So I have been playing lock on for about a week now. I can fly the A-10 fairly decent. I know how to takeoff/land/navigate and how to use the weapons systems finally. Just now I was doing a mission that I made up in the editor and was attacking a shit load of ground targets when I got hit with AA fire. My HUD disappeared and I got the "warning ACS control" (something like that) and that damn beeping!
So from this I have 2 questions and hopefully some one here who plays or has played the game can answer. How do I turn off the warnings and is there a guide so I can know what the warnings are? I do not have the instruction booklet or whatever it is with the controls. Also I have been searching with google but cannot find anything.
So from this I have 2 questions and hopefully some one here who plays or has played the game can answer. How do I turn off the warnings and is there a guide so I can know what the warnings are? I do not have the instruction booklet or whatever it is with the controls. Also I have been searching with google but cannot find anything.
Last edited by trex1210 (2009-08-28 12:28:04)