Dice/EA/Digital Illusions new update to the popular modern day combat Battlefield 2 has, without a doubt, strengthened the community. More and more people are coming back to play the game. The free booster packs adding more substance to the game appeals to more casual gamers, whilst 'improved hit-registration & added prone deviation appeals to the more competitive gamer.
However, they have clearly fucked up the game we love to hate, regardless of all these 'fixes' and 'improvements'. Infantry Only is now almost un-playable. They have almost completely changed the way we have played this game for the past 3 years. They force us to become slower, and restrict the most basic movements. Using cover is completely useless - After coming back up from a prone position ,your crosshair is stretched to the point of ~ 10% accuracy. Yes, the reg has improved, and the game does run a little smoother, but the fact of the matter is they have ruined the great, yet random gameplay that we loved. Why do you think we still play this bad yet brilliant game after almost 4 years? Randomness, not one game is the same as the next, and we just fucking love it.
I feel this patch (if continued without a fix/alter to the prone deviation), will boost the conquest (vehicle) aspect of the game. Which is great for me, as a jet-whore. The fixes on the vBF2 jets make the air-combat in BF2 much more enjoyable, the hit-registration of the MG's has improved so much so that when playing with a 20 ping I feel as if 100% if the bullet I fire, when accurate, hits the target. The F35 is now a much more powerful jet, well capable of handling the J-10. The tank shells' registration on fast moving targets such as jets/choppers/DPV's has greatly improved also. The AA seems way overpowered, but perhaps it just takes a little getting used to.
The ugly - Those booster packs suck, the maps, the vehicles, even the general idea of some of them is complete bolox. Lets just say I'm glad I didn't waste my money on that crap.
All in all - They've fucked up IO, and made conquest more balanced/enjoyable on the original vanilla maps.
However, they have clearly fucked up the game we love to hate, regardless of all these 'fixes' and 'improvements'. Infantry Only is now almost un-playable. They have almost completely changed the way we have played this game for the past 3 years. They force us to become slower, and restrict the most basic movements. Using cover is completely useless - After coming back up from a prone position ,your crosshair is stretched to the point of ~ 10% accuracy. Yes, the reg has improved, and the game does run a little smoother, but the fact of the matter is they have ruined the great, yet random gameplay that we loved. Why do you think we still play this bad yet brilliant game after almost 4 years? Randomness, not one game is the same as the next, and we just fucking love it.
I feel this patch (if continued without a fix/alter to the prone deviation), will boost the conquest (vehicle) aspect of the game. Which is great for me, as a jet-whore. The fixes on the vBF2 jets make the air-combat in BF2 much more enjoyable, the hit-registration of the MG's has improved so much so that when playing with a 20 ping I feel as if 100% if the bullet I fire, when accurate, hits the target. The F35 is now a much more powerful jet, well capable of handling the J-10. The tank shells' registration on fast moving targets such as jets/choppers/DPV's has greatly improved also. The AA seems way overpowered, but perhaps it just takes a little getting used to.
The ugly - Those booster packs suck, the maps, the vehicles, even the general idea of some of them is complete bolox. Lets just say I'm glad I didn't waste my money on that crap.
All in all - They've fucked up IO, and made conquest more balanced/enjoyable on the original vanilla maps.
Last edited by Oisín<3 (2009-09-03 05:02:10)