A WTF film, honestly....after watching the trailer I was well fucking excited about this, Venice film festival film of the year, critics calling it "A near perfect movie" errr
First half: Intense as hell, good action, good effects, seems like this story might go somewhere
Second half: Did they change directors or something or did she start hanging with a bunch of amateur college students and get inspiration off them?
Maybe I completely missed the point of the film, it seems as though it was trying to be one of those "Iraq war think films" but didn't know what it was trying to make you think about. The trailer suggests it's gonna be a good action not the run of the mill bang bang but boom boom (in some cases not boom boom) film but went all weird. There seemed to be bits (long bits i might add) of just very shoddy camera work filming certain scenes like part of it was going for that documentary look then other parts were super sexy "ooooooh" look at that type thing.
All in all the first part is what i expected the second was hard for me to get my head around, watch it, but don't expect to be blown away (pun not intended)
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Wtf at when they meet up those merc/SAS/Australian SAS squad???? That was so fucking random and so badly done, you could tell that was shot by a chick....and the Barrett taking out some guy and all he does is fall over like it some something out of operation delta force. Just, have a clue.