Tyferra wrote:
Yeah, bro look at my sig. That last post had me worried.
I may act like a dick to you here, but I don't mean it. Much like Trigger and TMo's relationship, although that's just fucked up, (but funny.)
Mates make fun of other mates that's how it goes. You said that you don't have a lot of mates, well, I'm here to teach you how it works. It's all a process of scoring ponts of the other guy.
While I may have said "Aw no he's back," you may not have noticed the wink. This means that no, I'm not actually really disapointed you're back. You should be happy that I care about you enough to actually acknowlege your return.
I don't hate you okay, I just make fun of you, there's a difference. Chin up.
tyferra, I knew that was just humourous sarcasm, I just am going through tough times, and have been for some time now, it just gets worse sometimes, and better sometimes
I found out that I liked Paris Hilton when she got engaged to that other guy named Paris, I felt an emptieness in my heart, and I despised the Paris Hilton xxx video, and was angered by people who called her a slut ect.
My turn to make fun of you as a friendly joke:
You say your "mind is sedate", well,,,no wonder you have girr from "invader zim" in your sig
OK, that one blew more than paris hilton infront of a camera, OMFG!!! dave, my mind is going...I made fun of the girl I love!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
dirtyepics wrote:
Paris is all yours dude. U need a hug don't you mate!
Well, I am not sure what you mean by that, but it wasn't exactly that I have digusting thoughts about paris hilton, I am acually discusted by naked pics of her ect. I just like more about her than her..."body", I guess, dirtyepics, that I just need some friends, I have a few online friends too:
Cooper (BF2krewcooper)
Monty (Montyphyzzle)
Chonan (from BF2Combat)
well, not that many friends, and monty is kinda my enemy bacause he also likes paris hilton, but he lives in the midwest, I live
near beverly hills, plus cooper and monty make fun of me
And I don't really like my sister's g/f, shes 19, I'm 16, and I just said I like my sister's g/f so kids at school wouldn't make fun of me
Last edited by Xaritix (18 years, 9 months ago)