Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
It's terrible. Enemies which respawn after 30 seconds, constant malaria attacks, poor vehicles, poorly balanced weapons, repetitive missions, and so forth create for an unpleasant and frustrating experience.
Though if you must see it for yourself, rent it.
The enemies only respawn quickly on the console version, due to lack of RAM, the world gets refreshed everytime it goes out of sight. On the PC version I can ditch a car, come back 2 hours later and it'll still be there. Constant malaria attacks? You mean 1 every hour? Oh my god, you have to press H once. /care. I will agree with the vehicles, they're a bit of a letdown. 60mp/h max? Ghey. I thought the weapons are pretty well balanced, the AK does high damage, has massive recoil and poor accuracy - pretty lifelike, and that's just one example. I don't see why everyone is calling it repetative, you get assasination missions, missions where you have to blow shit up, and if you couple these missions with buddy sidetracks then they just get more diverse.
AussieReaper wrote:
Oh did I mention the gun jams?
The guns only jam if you pick up ones from dead enemies. The ones you get at a dealer have lower recoil and don't jam.
KuSTaV wrote:
It also takes 30 rounds to kill an African.
You suck @ aiming. One shot to the head from any weapon is a kill.
Oh yeah my opinion. It's a fantastic game. GTA 4 with better graphics in Africa. Don't get it for the multiplayer though, cause all you'll find there is retards walking around with the .50 cal sniper hipspraying when anyone comes close.
Last edited by Finray (2009-09-20 05:01:57)